Chapter Twenty One: The Afterparty

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Sorry for any typos<3

Travis' pov

Taylor and I made our way towards the afterparty and when we walked in the room, everyone started to cheer.

"There's my favorite couple!" Ross exclaimed, walking up to us and giving both of us a hug. "Hey, man." I smiled at him.

"Hey, congrats dude! This is totally well deserved. Now it's time to get dunk off our asses and party!" He yelled.

Taylor and I laughed and I guided her towards the bar. "Okay, what do you want to drink, sweetie?" I asked.

"Just Vodka Diet Coke for now." Taylor replied and I nodded. Making her the drink quickly. I handed it to her before making mine as well. "Okay, let's go have fun!" I grabbed her by the hand and walked with her through the crowds of people into her came across Jason and Kylie.

"Hey, guys!" Kylie waved at us, giving us a hug. "Hey, uh, Jason?" I looked towards him.

"Yeah?" He replied. "What's with the sumo mask?" Taylor laughed.

"Oh! I found it! Isn't it cool?" Jason smiled.

"Yeah, sure, buddy." Taylor and I laughed.

"Trav?" Taylor tapped me in the shoulder. "Hm? Yeah?" I replied.

"Do you wanna dance?" She asked, already looking a little tipsy. Geez, I've never seen anyone who is capable of getting drunk this easily.

"Sure, baby. Let's go, I grabbed her hand and led her towards the center of the dance floor. The last song ended right when we got there and the next song started, 'causing Taylor to chuck and look at me. "Was this your doing?" She asked.

Love Story began to play and I just chuckled.
"I mean, it sounds like something I would do, but they love to play this song. They did it last year as well, but you better believe I was up on that stage singing it." I smiled smugly and Taylor let out an adorable giggle.

We began to sing the song and dance.


Taylor's pov

"It's a love story baby, just say yes!" Travis and I sang as we danced together.

At one point, I turned around in Travis' arms and he placed his arms on my stomach, making me fold into him immediately. I placed my hand on his neck and we kept dancing into each other while Jason was busy up there dancing next to the DJ, in his Kansas City Chiefs overalls and sumo wrestler mask.

"Mm, I love you, baby. Travis muttered into my ear after to song ended.

"I love you too." I replied, turning back around in his arms to give him a kiss.

"Oh, I have an idea!" Travis blurted out. He waved over at my security guards, silently telling them he was going somewhere and that they should keep an eye on me.

"I'll be right back." He gave me a peck on the lips before scurrying off towards the DJ booth.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched him walk over to the DJ and tell him something, right before a familiar song started to play.

"You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset. She's going off about something that you said. 'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do!" Everyone started to sing.

Travis smiled triumphantly as he pointed at me while he danced and sung.

"So, why can't you see, you belong with me!" Travis sung happily, pointing between him and I.

We kept dancing and singing until the song ended and Travis started moving through the crowds of people, probably trying to get back to me.

A couple people came up to me and told me how that was the sweetest thing they ever saw and I was in the middle of telling them how no one's ever done that to me and now that was the sweetest thing ever when Travis walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi." I smiled brightly after the people walked away.

"Hi." Travis replied, matching my smile.

"What time is it?" I slurred, burying my drunk self into his chest.

"Uh," Travis glanced down at his watch. "Midnight."

"I want another drink." I sighed, moving away from his chest and grabbing his hand to drag him over to the table.

I got myself another drink and Travis got a beer. My parents came up to us and told us that they were gonna go ahead and leave since it was pretty late. They gave both Travis and I a hug and congratulated Travis again on his win before they left. We walked over to where Jason was sitting towards the back of the bar.

"Hey, guys!" He greeted us, clearly about as drunk as we were. "Hey." We replied, sitting down next to him.

"Having fun?" He asked me, taking a sip of his beer.

I nodded. "Yep! I don't think I've ever felt this normal and relaxed in a while." I smiled. Jason chuckled and wrapped his arm around me, bringing me into a hug. "Well, I'm glad. Travis really loves you. We all do, thanks for giving a guy who tried to give you a friendship bracelet with his phone number on it a chance." I laughed, leaning into the hug.

"I love him too." I replied. "I'm glad I have a guy who tried to give me a friendship bracelet with his phone number on it a chance too, I've never been happier."

Jason chuckled before Travis turned to us and leaned in towards us. "What- what are you guys talking about? Is it me?"

I chuckled at him and moved towards him to rest into his side. "I love you." I sighed happily.

"I love you too." Travis replied, giving me a kiss on my forehead. Kylie eventually found us a couple minutes later and sat down next to Jason.

I Love It by Icona Pop came on and I gasped. "Oh, I love this song! Let's dance!" I grabbed his hand and Travis chuckled as I dragged him onto the dance floor.


                               No ones pov

Taylor dragged Travis out to the dance floor and began to dance with him. "This is the best night I've had in so long!" Taylor exclaimed happily when Travis finished kissing her passionately during the song. "Me too, and I'm so glad I got to spend it with you!" He replied.

Taylor giggled in his arms when she spun around and he placed a hand on her stomach like he did when they were dancing to Love Story.

They continued to dance and have fun until the time eventually hit two am and Travis, who was a lot more sober than Taylor but still drunk, decided they should head home.

"Tay." Travis said, coming up behind her where she was about to poor another drink. "Yeah?"

"We should head home." He took the drink out of Taylor's hands. "Hey!" She complained.

"It's getting late and you're pretty drunk, Tay
Let's get home." Taylor pouted but let Travis hold onto her while they walked. They informed Jason and Kylie that they were leaving before heading out to Taylor's car with her security.

Security drove them home and Travis helped her in the house.

"I loovvveeeee youuuuu." Taylor slurred while Travis helped her out of her clothes and out her in one of his shirts. "I love you too." He smiled, kissing her gently.

"Okay, now let's get you in bed." Travis carried her over to their bed and laid her down gently before crawling in on the other side and bringing her close to his chest.

"Go to bed, baby. Tomorrow's gonna be a very tiring and exhausting day." Travis mumbled, closing his eyes and trying to drift off to sleep.

Sorry if this feels rushed! I was trying to hurry.

One more chapter left! It's gonna end quiet abruptly 'cause I'm losing interest in this story for some reason but don't want to not finish it:) it will also give me more time to work on my other stories that I'm more interested in! <3

Okay, byeee👋👋

You Belong With Me~Taylor Swift x Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now