Chapter Fifteen: I Remember That Fight

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I changed the book cover:)

Travis' pov

I drove the distance to my moms house and got out of the car, slamming the door in frustration. I quickly walked up the driveway and to the door, ringing the door bell and waiting a few seconds for mom to open it.

"Travis? What're you doing here?" Mom asked in confusion when she opened the door.

I sighed, trying to stop the tears that were filling my eyes. "I'm such an idiot, mom."

"You came all the way over here to say that? Well, I hate to break it to you, Travis, but I know." Mom replied. She moved over to the side so I could come in and I walked past her, into the house.

"So what going on? I thought you were down here with Taylor?" She asked as we both sat down on the couch. I nodded. "I am."

"Okay, so what happened?" Mom moved closer to me, rubbing a hand in circles over my back.

"We got into a fight." I sighed. Rubbing my hands over my face. "Oh, honey. What was it about?"

I remained silent for a few seconds, trying to think of how to explain this. "Well, we had just arrived in New York and I offered to run out really quickly and grab us some dinner." I started to explain, my mom listening as carefully as she could.

"When I got back, I walked in the house and saw Taylor standing really close to her ex boyfriend that she dated before me. After they saw me standing there, he whispered something in her ear and walked out, looking at me with a smirk. So I got mad and Taylor and I started yelling at each other before she yelled at me to get out of her house. So I did and came here." I finished explaining, struggling a little bit 'cause I didn't wanna relive events that just happened.

"Awe, honey, I'm sorry." Mom pouted, continuing to run my back in large circles. "Well, what were they doing?" She asked.

"Just talking." I replied.

"That... was it?" Mom asked, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Yeah, why." I asked and mom shrugged. "I mean, I get that you didn't like that her ex showed up... but it's not like you caught them making out or... doing something worse." She reasoned and I dropped my head lower. "No, but I don't know how long he was there. What if they did something before I got there!" I tried to defend myself.

"Did you ask Taylor what happened or did y'all go straight to yelling?" She asked next.

"I mean, I think she tried to explain it but I was just so pissed off."

"You didn't even let her explain?" She asked and I shook my head. "So, let me get this straight, you walked in on them talking to each other, fully clothed and no kissing, and you didn't even let your girlfriend explain what was going?" I shook my head again and she sighed. "I don't like calling people this, especially my son, but you're an idiot, Travis."

I groaned and lifted my head to drape over the back of the couch. "I know, mom. I just got jealous and overprotective, I think." I sighed.

"Of what?" She asked. "Mom, this is Taylor Swift. I've had a crush on her since 2013 and I finally have her. She can have just about any man she wants, so why the hell did she choose me?" I laid my head on my moms shoulder. "I fuck up everything good in my life, mom."

"Come on, honey, I'm sure if you go back over there, apologize, and let her explain what happened, she'll forgive you and y'all will be as good as new!" She explained but I was still unsure.

"I don't know, mom. What if I go back over there and she just doesn't even wanna look at me. She was crying, mom, while she yelled at me to get out. I made her cry."

You Belong With Me~Taylor Swift x Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now