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The next day was my haldi ceremony. (a ritual in Indian tradition where they apply turmeric paste all over the body.)

The entire house was decorated with yellow flowers and decorations, with children running all over the house while my parents were busy talking to the guests.

Throughout the entire ceremony, I kept my head low, feeling the pain in my heart because all my dreams and goals were being crushed in front of my eyes. Controlling my tears, I faked a smile at my brother, who was innocently sitting beside me.

I have known Ali since my childhood. He used to visit our home every now and then when they were staying in our city. His parents always treated me nicely, bringing gifts and chocolates for me, for which I used to like them a lot, but now I clearly see the reason behind their actions. Everything changed after they moved out of the city, but one thing that never changed was the contempt between both of us. From the start, I used to dislike Ali because of his cold and rude behavior. Funny enough, today I was applying haldi for him.

After one hour, the haldi ceremony finally got wrapped, after which I was taken back to my room to freshen up and rest.

While I was sitting on my bed, lost in my thoughts, I saw my best friend Meerab entering the room with a confused face. She sat beside me, holding my hand, expecting me to explain the whole situation. Upon seeing her, all the feelings I had been hiding inside my heart came rushing out, and I started sobbing in her arms. She started patting my head without saying a word from her mouth, giving me all the time to cry my heart out.

After some time, I finally felt much better and was ready to tell her everything.

"Don't worry, I am here now. I will be by your side no matter what, so calm down!" She said it in a caring voice.

"Hmm, I know, and thank you for coming directly to me and not attending my haldi."

"How could I be a part of that when my best friend is not happy about it?" she said while comforting me.

After that, I told her the entire story and about the contract. She was so surprised and heartbroken to hear all this that she couldn't help but let out her angry tears while cursing everyone.

"How can they be so blinded by everything that they don't see the consequences of their actions? This is not only torturing but also a crime to force marriages without one's will. Let's call the police!" She exclaimed in anger and was about to dial the number when I held her hand stopping her.

"We can't involve the police in this. We can't! It's too late now, and plus, my family is too broke to pay the money. I have been left with no option but to marry him," I said, bawling my eyes out.

"Don't cry. You are the strongest girl I have met in my entire world, and I am pretty sure we will definitely find a way out."

After talking and consoling me for a while, she headed back home, and I was left again all alone, with my head filled with questions about tomorrow's nikah.

Suddenly, my phone rang, and all my attention shifted to that. It was from an unknown number, and thinking that it might be Meerab since she recently changed her number, I quickly picked it up!

"Meer..." I was about to say her name when someone from the other end started speaking.

"Hello, my wifey. How are you?"

Hearing his words, my body froze, and I could feel my blood boil.

"Ali! How did you get my phone number?"

"It was simple; I asked my mother-in-law," he said proudly.

"Huh! Why did you call....What do you want, Ali?

"I want you, my sweetheart," he said while smirking.

"Shut up with your nonsense or else I am hanging up."

"No, don't do that. If you hang up then how will I be able to listen to your sweet voice?" He said it in a playful tone.

"Btw, I saw the pictures of our haldi ceremony. Why were you crying the entire time? Do you miss me that much? We can meet......"

Before he could finish I interrupted venting all my anger on him.

"I was crying because of you. Tomorrow is our marriage, and I am crying because I have to marry you, Ali Zafar! You are the reason, and don't you pretend that you care about me when you are the reason behind all my tears and pain. Firstly, you guys trapped my parents under that contract and left me with no option other than to marry you, and now you are acting so sweet and nice all of a sudden. You are the reason behind my tears."

"So you don't want to marry me, huh?"

"Of course not. How many times do I need to tell you this?" I snapped in anger.

"Ok, then let's cancel this marriage because I don't want to marry you forcefully against your will. You are free now, Sara." He said it in his firm voice while hanging up the call.

I was left confused, finding it hard to believe what exactly happened. Was I finally free?

NEXT PART: 23 October 2023

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