Candy Shop

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As Neela easily dealt with the night time traffic Bobbie watched the frenetic streets of Tokyo rush by in a blur of people and lights. The sound of drum 'n' bass pulsed through the car and every now and then she'd feel her friend's studying gaze and knew eventually she would have to meet it.

"You know I'll get it out of you sooner or later," Neela said matter-of-factly.

Bobbie smiled to herself. They knew each other too well.

"Later's fine by me," she replied. "Told you, it's nothing to worry about. Just needed a break."

Neela turned back to the road. "And you know I don't believe you." A brief pause. "Is it a guy?"

Bobbie didn't want to lie, but the truth was no better either. But Neela wouldn't let up until she gave her something. "Sort of.'s a guy," she said. It wasn't a complete lie. There was a guy involved. Just not in the way Neela was thinking.

"And you loved him."

"Uh, I dunno...maybe. No. I just needed to put some space between us, is all."

Neela nodded and bit on her bottom lip. "I'm sorry."

"No one to blame but myself. I always pick the wrong ones." Bobbie swiftly changed the subject. "So, you and Takashi, there's a turnaround."

"He wasn't the guy I thought he was. But I guess they never are, right?"

"I dunno about that. Sean seems okay."

"He really is," Neela smiled. "I can't wait for you to get to know him, B. That is, if you're sticking around long enough," she added with a sly glance towards her friend.

"I'm just taking each day as it comes right now."

Neela wanted to dig deeper. Bobbie's inclination to discuss the reason behind her spontaneous trip told her there was something bigger at play than just a guy. But pressure was not the way to go with her old friend. Bobbie had always been a closed book. She only let people in when she wanted to. It would come out eventually. Neela just hoped it was nothing bad.

"So where you staying?" she asked.

"Motel in Shibuya."

"Not anymore. You're staying with us."

"Takashi's grandma gonna be okay with you bringing home a waif and stray?"

Neela smiled across at her. "I don't live there anymore. Not since he left and Sean and I got together. We rent a small place in Shinjuku. It only has the one bedroom, but we have a comfy sofa."

"Whoa." Bobbie eased back and sent her friend a disapproving look. "That is what I call a huge commitment, girl. Did I not teach you anything? You love them, you sleep with them, you don't share living space with them."

"I know, I know," Neela laughed out. "But I really love him, B. He's good for me."

"Well, who am I to stand in the way of true love. Thanks for the sofa offer, but I'll pass. Seeing the two of you gazing into each others eyes over the breakfast table would put me off my Weetos."

"You were doing plenty gazing yourself back there."

"Too young for me. I like them older."

"I meant Han."

"I knew that," Bobbie said with a grin. "When there's Asian eye-candy as sweet as that under her nose what's a girl to do?"

"Stay clear. Han's a great guy, but you'd be best off. Trust me."

The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift (Han/OFC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now