One Night

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A lot of sexual content here so if you're easily offended - DO NOT READ.

On with the show!

- DJ


Much to the satisfaction of the entire group Reiko and Earl finally reached an agreement on the graphics for the Evo. As Sean originated from Alabama Reiko had come up with the idea of a Mustang running wild through the neon streets of Tokyo. Surprisingly Earl was all for the idea. The design looked incredible. Every minor detail was jaw dropping, down to the horses pure white mane and the glow of the lights. The stencilled printout had been made and was all ready to be put onto the car early the next day. It would take a few hours to dry, but it would be ready in time for Sean to race in her the next night.

Up in the loft Han's eyes told him it was time to call it a day. When he began seeing more than triple figures it was time to quit. He closed up the invoice book and shook a couple of Ritz Bitz into the palm of his hand, tossing them up into the air and catching them in his mouth. Business had been good today. Renji and Kyo had placed a deposit on both Hondas and he had sold a Skyline R-34 for an impressive amount. He decided he deserved a beer to celebrate his good fortune.

A noise from below distracted him and he walked over to the railing to see Bobbie bent over the Evo, wrench in one oil-streaked hand and tongue poking out of her mouth as she worked. His mouth watered just looking at her. Not to mention what she did to his other body parts. She kept popping into his head throughout that entire day, and at the most inopportune moments. During the meet with Renji and Kyo. Just as the Skyline guy was about to sign on the dotted line. Talking on the phone with one of his many female admirers. The thinking had quickly turned into M-rated stuff. A couple of times he'd been tempted to jump into a cold shower. Seeing her bent over the Evo he was tempted right now. But not to take a shower. There were other things he wanted to take right now. If he didn't get to have her soon he might just explode.

"You still here?"

Bobbie turned away from what she was doing and shook back her hair. "I'll be out of your hair in no time," she smiled up at him. "Just finishing up."

"No rush. You make the place look pretty. Thought the Evo was running perfect?"

"She is. Just a couple of last minute tweaks before the paint job."

"For someone who doesn't work for me you're always under the hood of my cars."

"Don't start," she chided. "I'm doing Sean a favor."

Remembering the beer Han went over to the fridge and took out two bottles. "You thirsty?"

"No, I'm almost done and then I have to get going," she said working the wrench over an oily bolt.

"Just one beer."

Bobbie looked up to see him holding a bottle in each hand. Already uncapped. The guy was way too presumptuous for his own good. She bobbed an eyebrow at him.

"C'mon." He jumped in before she got the chance to refuse. "You've been working all day. Take a break."

After a moment's hesitation she sighed and nodded. "Okay. But just one. Neela and I have a girls night planned." She wiped her hands on a piece of rag and then made her way up to the loft.

Han couldn't take his eyes off her as she climbed the stairs. Her skin glistened with a light film of sweat and her hair that had been tied up at the start of the day was now coming loose and framing her face. The tight tank she wore was tighter still as it clung to her body like a second skin, which of course drew his attention to her breasts, which in turn reminded him of how they'd felt that morning pressed against his bare chest. The low-rise jeans she wore that disappeared into flat biker-style boots were smeared with oily handprints and he wondered when he started finding 'casual' sexy. Then realised he didn't. In general. Except on her. Even though the AC was on full-tilt he could feel the heat tickling the back of his neck and needing something to do with his mouth he took a long pull of beer as he handed the other bottle to her.

The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift (Han/OFC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now