Ice Box

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Sean ran a hand over the bumper of the red Evo parked up inside the garage. Taking a step back he raked his eyes proudly over the car, rather like a parent would at their child's recital. She was finished and she was ready to race.


It had been a long haul and a lot tougher than he'd expected, but looking at her now every painstaking moment had been worth it; and there had been some. The others were all eagerly waiting for him to say something, so he showered them all with a wide grin.

"We did it," he simply said. "I didn't think we'd ever get there, but we did it."

Reiko giggled and nodded her head with much enthusiasm. "You like the graphics?" she asked excitedly.

Sean's gaze fell once more on the white Mustang against the storm battered Tokyo skyline. "I don't like the graphics, Reiko, I love the graphics," he amended and snagged the tiny girl in a rough bear hug, making her squeal as he lifted her clean off the ground.

Twinkie chuckled. "Car's looking good," he added. "Top to bottom, she's fresh and clean."

"Got that right," Sean nodded, setting Reiko back down. "Man, look at her..."

After being washed and waxed, the Evo sat gleaming like it was still wet under the fluorescent lights of the garage. When he'd walked in earlier and seen her he had been blown away. Twinkie had primed her all ready for Reiko and Earl to come in at the crack of dawn to make a start on the paintwork. They had worked selflessly; making sure everything down to the last detail was perfect; and it was. Sean had never seen another car like it. The Mustang would be his thing, his own personal signature in the drift world.

"Y'all have been amazing. Thanks, guys," he said looking at each of them in turn. "It doesn't seem enough, but I don't know what else to say. It's been a real team effort and I'm really grateful."

"Aww," Reiko said and flung her arms around him squeezing him as hard as she could.

Sean laughed and hugged her back. Everyone had been involved with the car at some stage throughout its rebuild. Twinkie had found her, each of them had worked on the mechanics, the graphics and interior were down to Reiko and Earl, and even though she hadn't been in Tokyo long, even Bobbie had helped out - giving Sean as much advice as she was able while helping to solve the troublesome engine problems.

Neela gave her boyfriend a smile. "I didn't do anything," she pointed out.

"Yeah, you did," he told her. "You're the one who put up with my moods when everything was going wrong."

"Uh, hi?" Bobbie cut in and held up a hand. When she bobbed an eyebrow at him he flashed her a wide grin.

"Yeah, okay, you did that, too."

"I don't wanna be the bad guy and ruin this tender 'Hallmark' moment, but how about you take her for a spin, test her out before the race tonight," Han interrupted. He was up in the loft standing at the railing, holding a bunch of papers in his hand.

"I think that's his way of telling us to clear out so he can work in peace," Twinkie said in a loud whisper.

"If I wanted y'all to get lost I'd say so," Han amended. "But there's work to be done. The Mazda in the corner needs looking over for starters. So don't be long on your little joyride." He disappeared out of view and went back to sit behind his desk.

Neela raised an eyebrow and looked over at Sean. "What's up with him today?"

"Answers on a postcard," Twinkie intervened.

The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift (Han/OFC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now