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     We had flown for hours, but finally we stopped to rest again in what looked like Russia. But that couldn't be possible. "Where are we?" Asked Kylie. "I don't know, but I want to keep going, we're obviously being tracked." Said Rex. I looked around, no men in the shadows. The place seemed fine by me. "I'll find out where we are." I said. And I closed my eyes. I willed the wind to make a funnel around me, carrying seeds and other debris. I used my powers, I was in a trance, it was such a wonderful feeling, I wanted to stay there forev-SNAP. 

     All of a sudden Rex snapped his fingers under my nose. "Don't get sucked into the magic," he said, "where are we?" I gave myself a little shake. "Warsaw, Poland. This place seems strange to me, now that I've connected, Kylie, I think we should keep moving." Kylie looked at me in surprise. "I thought you of all people would want to stay and sightsee." She said. "Alright break it up," said Rex, "we'll stay together, and leave a soon as we can, let's go down that way." We walked into what looked like a coffee shop, and sat down.
     We didn't order anything because we can't speak Polish, I seriously wish that was an Ivorian power, that would seriously be helpful right now. Even though we have magical powers, it's hard. I looked around for shadowy figures, and my gaze landed on a guy with, swift brown hair, and dark eyes. He had a scar on his left cheek, he seemed to be sleeping. I turned back towards Kylie and Rex. Based on their expressions, they had seen the guy too. Who is he?, thought Kylie. Both of us shrugged. Maybe we should go guys, I don't want a repeat of Paris. Thought Rex. This soon?  Kylie's angry thought hammered through my mind. Rex raised his eyebrows at her. She sighed quite an over dramatic sigh. We got up to leave, we had taken a breath, we were rested enough to start traveling again. We walked out of the shop, and just our luck, the strange guy's eyes flicked open the moment we stepped through the door, and he got up to follow us.
     We hurried quickly down an alley, and he cornered us. "Don't worry, I am no enemy to you." He said, pushing me up against a wall. "H-How do we know we can believe you?" I asked. He opened his mouth, a familiar glimmer passed across his canines, sure enough, his teeth were made of ivory. "You could be a traitor." Suggested Rex, and the guy released me. Kylie and I raised our eyebrows. Rex backed down. "I'm Jayze. I'm also fourteen." He said. He gave Kylie a playful punch. "I'm Kylie, this is Rex and Brooke." She gave him a punch back, except much more harder. "You guys need to strengthen your telepathy barriers, I broke in and was able to hear you. I also read your minds, so I could prepare for this moment." He said.
     The three of us looked at each other, but Rex's eyes were wide, "you can read minds? That's extremely advanced magic, only a sixteen plus Ivorian could do that, but you're fourteen, and the only other being who could do that is-" "We get it. I'm advanced." Interrupted Jayze frustrated. There was something not right about him. But he was a fellow Ivorian so he had my trust. He agreed to come with us to the meeting. So we all took off together. Although, I will never forget flying next to him, and hearing him seem to growl, under his breath.

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