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What else could be done? What else could I do? What would any of you have done? Nobody was helping. Nobody was lifting a finger. Everyone just walked by ignoring the poor kid. I couldn't do the same.


I'm just your average male that for some stupid reason decided to walk through a mall. I really hate these places. All the people that I hate being around. The smell of all the perfume that lingers as people walk by. You would think we were in France in the 1700. It is disgusting the way people dump a bottle on themselves and think it makes them smell better. Frankly I would rather sniff jockstraps just after a big game. At least that would be a natural small and not be giving me a headache. Ether way I would be nauseous. Toilet water is a good name for the stuff. Always has been in my opinion.

But I digress. I was about to explain why I was walking through this sewer of human waste. It was definitely not by choice. If I wanted something from any of these stores I could have ordered it online from the comfort of my home. That is what the internet was for. No. No the reason why I am here is a simple one. A wager was made and I'm going to win it. Even if I have to walk through this sewer of unclean people.

You see, I was told that I am antisocial. Just because I don't like being around a lot of people. But when my friend said I was scared of people. That, got me a little upset. Words were exchanged and a bet was made. In order for me to win said bet. Here I am. Spending an hour walking around this mall. I also had to "Bring something home to prove that you were there." And so, I was looking around to find something that wouldn't be a waste of my money. I thought I would go to the food court and bring an empty wrapper home. With a receipt to prove where I got it. But looking at all the old nasty food turned my stomach. I was no longer hungry after that and so, I kept walking.

Now, there is something you need to know about me before I go any further with my little tail. I am not an asshole. But I do speak my mind and I am not politically correct. If someone was to ask me if I liked a dress they were wearing, I would tell them the truth. If someone was to ask me "Does this make me look fat". I would still tell the truth. Some people just can't handle the truth and prefer to be lied to I guess. But a 500 pound woman has no business in a swimsuit on the beach. I know some people might find that sexy. But I am not one of them. So don't ask me my opinion unless you really want me to answer. Because I have a lot of opinions on a lot of things.

As I was walking through this dreadful place, something caught my eye. Something that just felt off to me. There was a kid sitting in front of one of the stores. It was all alone but it looked like it was waiting for someone. Now I say it because I had no clue if it was a boy or a girl. This kid had long hair that was touching the ground as it sat there. Dirty blond hair. Although the kid could have had golden hair, but I couldn't tell do to the dirt. An oversized shirt that was meant for a man was covering the kids top half. Ripped up dirty blue jeans were trying to cover the kids bottom half. No socks and old oversized flip flops were on it's feet. So, because I am me, I took a seat on one of the benches in the middle of the mall and kept watch.

Creepy old guy watching a kid, right? Well I guess you could say that about me. I can look creepy at times. And I am an older guy. And yes, I was watching a kid at the time. So to keep people from thinking that about me, I pulled out my phone and started reading a book. I did have another 30 minutes to kill to win this stupid bet after all.

After ten minutes went by and nobody came for this kid I was getting upset. After twenty minutes went by, I was pissed. After twenty two minutes went by a guy came and sat down next to me. I didn't know at the time, but I guessed this was that kids father.

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