04. Day 1 4of4

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    I turned to look at my new kid I guess. "That man just blows in and out." I chuckled and he giggled a little. "Well I guess it's time to find out what we are having for dinner. Are you hungry little guy?" He nodded and I picked him up. I grabbed his lion and handed it to him. He put it in his mouth as I grabbed his teddy. I handed him his new teddy then grabbed the diaper bag after putting everything back in it. Then with him in my arms we headed back down to the kitchen.

    After setting him down in one of the chairs I started looking around for some kid friendly food. I didn't have much that I thought a kid would want to eat. Not to mention, the kid did have a hurt throat. So that limited my options as well. However I was able to find a couple of boxes of Mac&cheese, some tomatoes soup, and some chicken soup. So I brought those three options over to the table so the kid could choose what he wanted. Even tho I said I would make some grilled cheese sandwiches to go along with the soups, he chose the Mac&cheese.

    After the food was made, I put a bowl right in front of him. He looked at me for a while before I told him to go ahead and start eating. I did grab him a cup of water as well. Slowly he grabbed the spoon and dipped it into his food. Then I noticed he was shaking as he brought it to his mouth. He kept his eyes on me the whole time he did this. After his third little bight I said. "I'm not going to take it away from you if that's what you're thinking. And I didn't put anything in it except for what the package called for. So no need to be shy about it, eat up. And there's plenty more where that came from if you're still hungry after you're done with that bowel. I may not be rich, but I can definitely afford to keep your tummy full. And tomorrow, if you're up for it, we can go grocery shopping and get other foods you will eat and like. Like my friend said, I'm really new to all this so I will be needing your help choosing stuff you like to eat."

    By this time even I was very nervous and started to ramble. I mean, I had taken this kid's father away from him. I thought that was a good thing at the time. But then this kid was taken and put in a complete stranger's car. And driven to an unknown house. Then given a bath by that complete stranger. And then that stranger's friend looked at every inch of him. And now that same guy was sitting across from the kid and watching him eat. What the hell was I thinking? What the hell was this kid thinking? Of course he is probably thinking that I'm some weirdo sitting across from him. He probably thinks that I put something in his food or drink. Maybe to knock him out so I can take advantage of him or something. He has to be scared out of his mind about what's going to happen next to him. And to be honest, I had no clue what was going to happen next myself.

    I heard metal touch glass and looked up to see him putting his spoon down. I had been thinking and not paying attention to what he was doing. But when I looked up he had already finished his food. "You still hungry? There's more if you want it." He tilted his head like he was thinking and I half smiled. I don't really know why, but he just looked cute just then. I chuckled to myself once and then I noticed him smile more. He shook his head not wanting anymore food right now. Then he picked up his glass of water and took a couple sips before setting it back down. "Well if you don't want anything else to eat right now, I have a tv. We could watch a show? Or a movie if you want? I don't have cable but I do have an Apple TV. I have Netflix and Disney and a lot of other apps so we could watch almost anything you could think of." Again I was rambling but at least he nodded to me.

    That gave me a little bit of relief and I grabbed the dirty dishes and put them in the sink for now. As I turned back around I saw him getting down from his seat. But when he did his foot slipped and he went almost face first on the floor. He barely caught himself in time landing on his hands and knees. He let out a whimper a second later but shoved his fist in his mouth trying to cover it up. I stepped over to him quickly and got down to one knee. When he looked up at me he almost fell over. I had scared him and I felt bad about that. But I wan't going to let that stop me right now.

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