17. Putting my foot down

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4233 words
Baby Bears POV

Home again and now what am I supposed to do?

We have been home for three days now. I have been fed. I have been bathed. And I have been held almost all the time. Daddy won't let me down or let me be alone except for when I sleep at night. He even holds me when I take naps during the day.

I don't complain. What is there to complain about? This is what he want's to do. And it's not like I can do anything anyway. I am completely useless. I am just being a burden on him.

This needs to stop.


I am woken up when daddy puts me on my changing table in my nursery. I have my pacifier in my mouth and I think. I've had a lot of time to think lately. Three days to think while being held all the time. Ways to think about how I'm going to ask something really hard of him and me. But it needs to be done.

After getting me changed and dressed for the day, he walks us down to the kitchen. This is one of those rare times I get set down. In my highchair, with my arms resting on my tray. He gets my food ready even before he gets his started. He feeds me first before he even takes his first drink of his coffee. But before he can take me out of my seat so he can hold me while he eats, I stop him. "Daddy, wait. Eave me here so we talk." My speech was getting a lot better, but not quite all there. I didn't know if it was because of before, or because of what happened to me in the bath. But ether way, I was still sounding like a little kid some times. So to get around the sounds I was having a hard time with, I just wouldn't use those words if possible. At least for now that was my plan.

"Okay kiddo. If you're sure." I nodded to him and he grabbed his coffee finally. "So what would you like to talk about?" He looked at me while taking a sip. Then he set it down paying close attention to me. I shook my head at him.

"You get food first. Den we talk. I can talk and you can esen." I could see slight sad look on his face when I talked. It was like he did something wrong. But I knew he didn't. "Get food. I fine. I know I owund wike kid. No being sad bout dat." I almost grimmest, but instead I smiled at him. "Go! Get food fo you."

He did finally get his food and sat back down with it. but he didn't start eating it. I shook my head again getting a little frustrated. I huffed and nodded to his food. He finally took a bite just to appease me. I smiled and chuckled. Then I did something he was not expecting. I stared at him for a moment then closed my eyes. I concentrated and while not moving my body, I spoke to him. I spoke slowly so I could hear what I was saying. So I could get at least most of the words out right. "You need to eat. You need to not hold me all the time. You have other dangs to do." I slipped a little and grimaced. But I kept my eyes closed so I couldn't see what his reaction was. "Today, I would like to lay on the living room floor and maybe watch some tv wheel... while, you do something else. I need to pradus... practice, talking and moving. And it hard with you there. I wove... love, all the time I get wif... with you. And da cuddles too. But you have oder... o..ther, stuff you needs to do too. If I need you, or you need a brake, then come and we can be togedher... together." I breathe out a big breath at the end. That was harder then I thought it would be.

I opened my eyes to see him sitting there crying. He hadn't taken another bite of his food ether. "You're so strong." He sniffed and whipped his eyes. That had me jerking back a little. Not like I could have gone that far anyways. "You are. If it was anyone else in your place, they would have given up by now. But you... You haven't given up at all, have you?" I slowly shook my head. "See. With everything you have been through, you keep fighting." He reached over and put one hand on my cast. "Any thing you need. Any thing you want. Just tell me. No matter what it is. If I can, it will be yours."

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