10. Day 2 Kennith's POV

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I woke up and took stock of myself like I do every day. I was waiting for all the pain to hit me in a flash like it normally would do. But something was wrong with me. I could feel some pain, but not even close to what I would normally feel. My butt hurt, but not as bad. I tried to roll over to find out why when I realized, I was warm. Not wet warm for once. Just warm warm. I moved my hand and I felt soft all around me. Then I felt the weight of blankets above me. I opened my eyes and there was a face right in front of me. I almost screamed before I noticed it was a teddy bear staring at me. And then I remembered what happened yesterday. My Master was gone and now I have a Daddy instead.

I knew right off that it was a lie. My lie, not his. He rescued me and has done nothing but to try and help me so far. It has only been a single day, but I just know that there is something about this guy. He isn't one of the sadistic bastards I have dealt with before. The ones that just like to hurt me. Nor is he like the others that wanted me to fill in as there baby. He truly thinks I am a little kid and is trying to help me. But what he doesn't know, is that I am no kid. I'm probably older then he is. But if I was to tell him that, he would probably not want me to be here. But at the same time, if I don't tell him and he finds out some how... That could be even worse. So I have to tell him. But first, I have to figure out where I am.

I tried to roll to my left and was met with a wall of flesh. A back of a very well built man if I had to guess. He had muscles all over his back. Little ones that stuck out all over the place. And bigger ones around his shoulders too. I went a little cold when I saw that. This guy could snap me like a twig with one hand. Hell, with just one of these muscles that were right here in my face. And yet, he was so gentle with me yesterday. Is this why both him and Sam kept telling me to let them know if they hurt me? I wanted to run. I wanted to poke one to see how hard they were. I have to get out of this bed I was in.

As I moved to roll over the other way the blankets lifted and I saw down the length of him. I have heard a saying before. "You could crack walnuts with that ass." But I never thought I would actually see and ass that could do it. That's when I wet myself a little. Out of sheer fear of this guy. He was naked and I was in bed with him right now.

I finished rolling over only to be met with a pillow in my face. A huge pillow that was blocking my escape. It took a lot of effort, but I got past that pillow without waking the sleeping giant. I slid off the bed that was almost as tall as me and I walked quick and quiet out of his room. Then I started to breath again.

That's when I got a really stupid or a really good idea. Tell him the truth about me and hope he don't kill me painfully. And to make sure, bribe him a lot. I'll clean his house for him. I'll make him breakfast. And if he want's a little kid, I'll be that for him too. As long as he doesn't turnout like my old Master or worse, I would be good with anything right now. Well almost anything. So I will have to tell him that too. I just hope he don't use me as a chew toy for the giant dog I haven't see yet.

Kitchen, now clean. Loving room, now clean. No other rooms are open and I'm not about to go where I wasn't invited. So next I went back to his room and picked that up too. Then I went into his bathroom and cleaned that. After I was done cleaning, the last thing I had to do was take out the garbage. And that's when I found stuff I wish I hadn't. My old clothes were in the trash. But under those was that damed plug that was in me for so long. It looked huge and I couldn't believe that it actually was in me. And it was mister muscles in the next room that took it out of me for good. The term "gentle giant" came to my mind when I thought of him now. I put my clothes back in the bag and took it downstairs with me. All the garbage bags were now sitting next to the front door ready to go out. That's when I decided to open a door for the first time since being here.

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