The news

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~~~~~~Tyler's POV~~~~~~~

As I stepped off the plane, the weight of my memories and experiences in the war still clung to me like battle scars. It had been years since I last set foot on American soil, and the anticipation of returning home to familiar faces was both nerve-wracking and comforting. Among those faces, I knew my best friend Christen Press would be waiting for me.

As I walked through the bustling airport, my heart raced with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The bond between Christen and me had been forged in the fires of childhood, and I wondered how much had changed while I was away. News had reached me on the battlefield that she had pursued her passion for soccer, but little did I know just how far she had come.

Finally, I spotted her standing near the arrival gate, her radiant smile cutting through the crowd like a beacon. The sight of her brought a rush of emotions, and I quickened my pace. The years apart melted away as we embraced, our laughter and tears mingling with the echoes of the past.

"Tyler, you're finally home," Christen said, her voice filled with genuine joy. "I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Christen," I replied, my voice choked with emotion. "Tell me everything. What happened while I was away?"

As we settled into a nearby café, the stories spilled forth like a waterfall. Christen had never given up on her love for soccer, and her dedication had taken her to new heights. She had joined a local team, honing her skills and pushing herself to the limits. Eventually, her talent caught the attention of scouts, leading her to a scholarship at a prestigious university.

But her journey didn't stop there. Christen had excelled in college, becoming a star player and catching the attention of professional teams. She signed with a renowned club, and her career skyrocketed from there. The girl I once knew as my partner in mischief had become a household name in the world of soccer.

As she recounted her achievements, I couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and envy. While I had been fighting for a cause I believed in, she had been chasing her dreams and achieving greatness. But in that moment, I realized that our paths were different, yet equally important.

"I'm so proud of you, Christen," I said, tears of admiration welling up in my eyes. "You never gave up, and you've become an inspiration to so many."

Her smile softened, and she reached across the table to hold my hand. "Tyler, you're my hero. You fought for our country, for our freedom. Nothing I achieved on the soccer field can compare to that."

Her words touched my heart, reminding me of the purpose that had driven me during those long, challenging days. We had both found our own battles to fight, and through it all, our friendship had remained unbreakable.

"There is something else" Christen said with a mix of fear and excitement compiled on her face. "And what would that be" I said in a teasing voice trying to ease her nerves. "Well I have a game of Saturday and I was hoping you would be there" she said, her smile replacing the fear. "I'll be there but who are you playing?" She handed me her phone and on it showed a picture of the USWNT and the England Lionesses. I looked at her in shock and realized she didn't tell me she played on the National team. Oh my god my best friend plays on the National team! "OMG CHRISTEN IM SO PROUD OF YOU" i practically screamed.

She just chuckled and showed me that gorgeous smile of hers. "You know the girls on England are pretty hot Tyler" my friend teased for she knew I was gay. "Haha very funny I'm sure they are" I joked along not knowing my whole life was about to change.

Authors note:

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