soul crossing

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during the tournament of power Vegeta is fighting Jiren in which he uses the final flash in which Vegeta thinks he beat Jiren only for him to disappear and reappear and hit him with a Red orb


Jaune gasps after waking up from that weird dream in which his team looks at him weird Lee.

Ren: asked him if he had a bad dream

Nora: SAYS YEAH!!!!!

Jaune: says yeah yeah yeah

at that moment Pyrrha Nico's walks in and tells them aren't you going to get ready for the vital festival


So then they suit up just in time to watch RWBY's match in which Ruby's team dominates and then after the match they meet up to eat in which Nora goes on about how they have pyrrha and Jaune, Ren in which she goes into a downward spiral of what would happen if they lose which doesn't really motivate anyone

And why this is happening Jaune thinks back to his dream. it felt more like a memory than a dream. and why did the name Vegeta burn in his mind he had so many questions let no answers

then pyrrha called out his name

Pyrrha: Jaune Jaune Jaune!!!!

Then Jaune snapped out of his chance.

Jaune: Huh? What?

team JNPR: you kind of zoned out


Jaune:Wait, what time is it?

Yang:Said it's time for the next match.

Jaune:Oh wait. My team is the next match.

Yang: then you should get running

Then his team started running to the arena.

(at the arena)

Team JNPR get ready to fight team BRNZ.

However team BRNZ was a lot stronger then in Canon

team jnpr was losing much to cinder falls dismay after Nora and Ren got disqualified they proceeded to almost disqualified Jaune his aura was at 16% three members from team BRNZ was attacking pyrrha and one of them was attacking Jaune as he was about to land the finishing blow on Jaune his vision went black

(Jaune mindscape)

Jaune sees a man with black spiky hair with a blue tight suit and weird armor

???: are you just going to stand there and lose or are you going to fight

Jaune was very confused on whose voice he was here then he realized it was the voice from his dream then he responded what could I do I am weak I'm nowhere near has strong has pyrrha has fast has Nora or has skilled has Ren

???: I'm disappointed in you if you are my reincarnation then you are just weak to afraid to face the opponent just cuz you think as stronger than you disappointing

Jaune: Well, I'm sorry that I'm nowhere near as strong as you I'm sorry that I wasn't born into greatness that I wasn't born with power that I'm just a weak nobody

???: Shut up I may have been born strong but that's no excuse you should have trained instead you sat down and did nothing and let everyone else grow stronger than you pathetic

Jaune: you don't think I didn't want to train it I wasn't allowed I was supposed to become weak instead of becoming strong

???: if you think that's true let me ask you a question do you want to be the strongest the strongest in the universe with enough power so no one can stand against you

Jaune stopped and then contemplated

Jaune: Yes

???: then scream at the top of your lungs show me your power

(End of mindscape)


To be continued

what if Jaune arc was The reincarnation of Vegeta (Getting Rebooted)Where stories live. Discover now