The Fall of the Jedi Order

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A/N Was reading a story on Archiveofourown and I had started to read a story that portrayed one of the MHA casts as a Padawan of the Jedi Order. So I decided to add my own bit of a story on that front. I hope it gets as much reads as well as attention as some of my other stories that have crossovers. Let's begin the story!

Coruscant 14 BBY

A young padawan within the main building of the Jedi Grand Order is seen training with his master within the training zone. He is dodging attacks as well as attacking his master with his smaller lightsaber as he clashes with the Grand Master Yoda. The old creature had been training the boy since he sensed his massive power within the force that would soon become a rival for the up-and-coming Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. The young boy had green curly hair that had black roots, and freckles on each cheek that allowed his eyes to stand out even more. They were big orbs that showed his true emotions whenever he battles as well as their color was amazing in its own right. They were the color of emeralds as they were really bright almost seemingly Jade in color. The young Padawan had been training for about a year and a half in the fifth form of combat with a lightsaber. The fifth form of fighting with a lightsaber was called Shiem/Djem So, where it was perfect for countering an opponent's attacks as well as counter the second form of combat Makashi. As soon as their impromptu training session was complete the Master had a lot to say to the young Padawan. "Young Izuku, training does you well. Go I must, Wookie's help I must give. Train yourself, and a Jedi Knight you will become, soon. May the Force be with you and protect your youngling siblings." The old Master said, as he hobbled away. As Izuku was seen walking towards his small room given to him by his master he decided to meditate on how to balance his mind as well as soul in order to keep himself from falling to the Dark Side of the Force. He was taught from a very young age from the old Master that if he allowed the Dark Side to interfere with his thoughts as well as mind, he would not be capable of returning to the Light unless a catalyst prevented him from doing so. So as he sat in his room meditating, he overheard something that was going on just outside of the room. "Stay here Skywalker, we must take down the Chancellor in order to protect the entire Order." Master Windu's voice came out urgently. Izuku shook his head as he opened the door to his room to find Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker standing in the middle of the area looking distraught. "M-Mr. Anakin, are you okay?" Izuku asked, looking at the taller young man. "Don't worry Padawan Izuku, I'm fine. Just thinking about my relationship with the Jedi." The young Jedi Knight said, as he moved to leave. Unknown to him Izuku didn't trust his words and followed behind him as he made to see what was truly going on. He even started to record what the young man was going to do when they were led all the way to the Chancellor's office where a fight had already broken out. As he watched as Master Windu and the other Masters fought a red light sabered Palpatine, he watched in horror as the Chancellor had taken down trained masters of the Force as well as combat with little to no ease before being defeated by Master Windu. He watched on as Anakin had entered the room as Izuku continued to record the situation with a completely calm look on his face. "Master Windu, this isn't the Jedi way! We must take him to the court to talk about his misdoings!" Anakin said, which was technically correct. "Don't you see Skywalker! He is too dangerous to be kept alive! He is the Sith!" The older Master said, as he raised his blade. "Please don't kill me, save me Anakin!" The Chancellor called out to the young man. "I STILL NEED HIM!" Skywalker called out as he sliced the dropping hand of Windu off the Master's body. "NOW YOU DIE!" Palpatine called out, blasting the old Master with electricity out of the window. Izuku held back a gasp as he watched the event happen, and he then watched as the old man had then turned to Anakin believing that he was going to kill the young Jedi Knight he was then completely blindsided as the Sith had recruited Anakin as a Sith. Taking this moment as his chance to send the information to his master he got ready to leave when he heard the voice of Palpatine as he entered the elevator. "Command to all Storm Troopers! Execute Order 66." The Chancellor said, as the elevator doors closed.

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