Arrest of a young Jedi

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of The Jedi Hero: Force! I hope you all haven't been waiting too long for this chapter to come out ever since I made the last chapter of this story! Now for this interim Chapter, this will be delving within the mind as well as subconscious of Midoriya Izuku whilst he walks around UA after the defeat of All for One.

Izuku was standing before the blood splatter of the now dead All for One on the ground. He had been thinking about how life would be like without the villain in the way for everyone to smile. In his mind, taking out All for One right here and now, especially since he had killed someone who gave everyone smiles just from her mere presence... it hurt him. Mina may not have been someone who was really close to him, but he did know that the girl was one of his close friends who had gotten to know him on a deeper level compared to the rest of his classmates. So when he had heard that All for One had killed the girl before she could even react to his presence back at the Camp... his mind went blank for the first time in his life as he willingly allowed himself to be consumed by the Dark Side completely. But by the time he had managed to completely defeat and kill All for One, Izuku could only stare at the villain as his blood splatter was giving him a sad feeling. He had killed a villain for revenge of his classmate, that was not how a Jedi should act, nor should a Hero act. So as he stood over the blood splatter, he never noticed how some Heroes and police officers were coming towards him with slight fear as well as caution. Turning around towards them, Izuku silently placed his hands in the air as he kneeled before them all as he allowed them to, surprisingly, softly take him towards the other Heroes and Police. 

Whilst everyone was watching the scene on television, they were confused as to why Izuku had been surrendering himself to the police and heroes. He had defeated a villain that could kill All Might if he had been allowed to do so, so they were confused as to why the Heroes and Police were arresting the young man. And as they went onto the internet to talk about how the boy shouldn't be punished for putting a villain that All Might himself couldn't defeat down, others who were very scared and fearful of Izuku's strength and power argued how he should be put away for killing a man. And whilst that was happening on the internet, a certain Chimera was doing his hardest to protect one of his students who shouldn't have been there at all. And all he could think of at that point in time was how powerful he had to be in order to merely cause All for One, the strongest villain in the known world... to be defeated and turned into a complete blood splatter on the ground.


Izuku sat inside the interrogation room as he stayed as quiet as possible whilst he was thinking about everything he'd done towards the villain. He knew the man deserved his death, much less a death that was so painful and gruesome towards himself. He didn't know about the horror's that All for One had done in the past, but that didn't mean he never saw the danger of leaving such a man alive within the world. He knew that based on Master Windu's decision to try and take the metaphorical head of the snake at the top of the body... Izuku had done the same with different results. Instead of being killed for attempting to do so, he was arrested for completing that mission, and now he waited for himself to be transported over to Tartarus for his murder of such a villain. He didn't have to wait long before a certain Detective had entered the room with Principal Nedzu as they sat down at the table. Both were quiet for quite some time before both sighed and they began to look at the seemingly mute boy and spoke to him. 

"My name is Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi, and it is my job in order to ask you for why you thought it was alright to enter a battlefield between a Hero and Villain." Detective Tsukauchi said, looking at Izuku. "I was there in order to save Bakugo Katsuki. I had just decided to stay since I noticed how All Might himself was slowly becoming more and more weak the longer, he fought that villain." Izuku said, as Naomasa nodded. "Alright, now for the... hard part. Why did you kill the villain?" Naomasa questioned as Izuku looked up at him with teary eyes. "H-He told me that he had killed a classmate of mine. A-Ashido Mina. He said that he killed her before she could even realize that he was right behind her. And when I heard him say that... everything in my mind went blank, as if everything I had ever known just... disappeared." Izuku said, as he looked at the table and pulled his hands out and placed them on it. 

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