Where are you Ashton?

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Someone is punking me. I'm sure of it. Either I'm being punked or I'm in an old episode of The Twilight Zone.

A few junked out trucks sit in various spots in the front of the property, wasting away from time, rust, and weather. There are dead rose bushes planted against some fencing near the house.

The house itself is another story.

Brown and run down, it looks like it is sitting at a slant with a porch that is half attached to the siding of the home. The windows are a complete mess with torn screens. The rain gutters have detached from the monstrosity, and the shit brown paint is badly decayed.

A brown and black hound dog sits on the dilapidated porch. His ears in full flop mode. Even strangers don't make the furry guy bark.

"Who lives like this?" I mutter. My eyes are wide as I stare out the window.

"Sasquatch." Alice cringes as she vigorously applies Purell on her skin, all the way up to her elbows. "This is the home of Edward 'Sasquatch' Cullen."

Before I think of a smart reply, the front door swings open and hits the house hard.

The hound dog jumps as does Alice.

My eyes go even wider.

Maybe I will rethink this jizz collection business after all.

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