4| Raigad..

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"Radhika! Avrun zala ka uza!" The daughter in law of the house screamed from the other side, they were getting ready to go to Raigad.

(Radhika, are you done packing!?)

"Ho vaini-sa" Radhika said finally packing up and making her way to the bullock-cart sitting in and waiting until everyone got in. She was a village girl and mostly used to travel by bullock carts as palki's were mostly used by big ministers and the royals.

Radhika was eagerly excited on visiting Raigad, thought she didn't quite understand why she was called along with her dad and family as mostly only her brother and father went to Raigad, leaving her, her vaini-sa and mother alone which they had gotten used too

Radhika didn't know that she was gonna soon be married off to the one she had imagined when the sudden thought of marriage came to her while praying to lord krishn.




Somewhere, a few miles away Yuvraj Krishnaji was on his horse. The important businesses that his father wanted to talk about was his marriage.

Both his mothers were utterly excited to see their son getting married, as both their daughter's were already married and sent away from their home. They loved the idea to have another daughter though not blood related, but still daughter to have in their house.

Krishnaji didn't think much of this. He just agreed with his father, since even his grandma was okay with it. He didn't know how he will behave in front of the new person who was yet to come in his life. Being a shiv bhakt and knowing Mahadev's love story, he to wanted a wife like Mata Parvati.

Fierce, strong, confident, kind and soft, some one he would love to hug in his time of mourn. Someone who understood him. Someone who believed in him. Someone who trusted him. He knew his father well and that his father would pick exactly the girl he wanted. He didn't know the name of his bride, well he wasn't really told much about his soon to be wife.

He only knew that he was gonna get married.

Right now, Krishnaji was just taking a small lap around the villages near Raigad. He wanted to see if his praja was okay or not, if they needed help or anything. He loved his people, he wasn't their king but their servent, because for him a king could do anything anywhere and no one could question him, but Krishnaji wanted to be transparent with his people. He wanted to be reminded that he has responsibilities that needed to be fulfilled and being a king for him couldn't do anything.

Taking a lap with his best friend, Vasu. Who was a great fighter and a part of the army. Vasu, had teased him alot form the moment he got to know about his marriage, which Krishnaji was fed up with. He saw an old women having difficulty with pulling up the things in her hands. He got down from his horse. And made his way to the lady, Vasu following behind.

But, as he was about to help her, a girl almost 16 of age helped her out, his heart started beating fast just like when he was sitting before the shiv-ling. He felt as if something was forcing him towards itself. His eyes were stuck on the girl.

Radhika,on the other hand had gotten out of the bullock cart, they were taking a break for the Bulls to build their energy back up. She started wondering off into the village, and saw an old lady who needed help, for which she made her way and helped the old lady.

Suddenly, her heart started beating loudly against her chest, as if someone was watching her, her sixth sense was activated, she looked up to see a tall man, 18, he had a beard and a moustache, he wore royal or attire similar of the ministers. By which she knew he had a high title.

Their eyes were locked, and their heart beat increased, Radhika moved away distracting herself with the task to get the old lady to her house. But, then she heard her father, come up from behind and say the word she wan not expecting to hear.

"Yuvraj!" Her dad screamed from beside her. Her father bowed down to the prince in sign of respect and the Yuvraj excepted it, wholeheartedly.


"Aphan itkade?" Shekoji asked the Yuvraj, as he was not expecting to meet his zavai suddenly.

(You here?)

"Ho, amhi ekde praja chi madat karaila alo, pun Shekoji kaka aphan ekade?" The Yuvraj said also questioning him back. Radhika was a little away from them now as she helped the old lady to her home.

(Yes, I was here to see if the people needed help or not. But, Shekoji uncle what are you doing here?)

"Maharajanni bolavla, patra pathavun" Shekoji replied back.

(The king had called us through his letter)

Yuvraj and Shekoji knew eachother since they fought in the war against the Mughal's, the war which was named to be as worse as the one that happened in kurukshetra by society. Yuvraj knew how good of a fighter Shekoji was and looked up to him, he had promised himself that he was gonna be a great fighter just like Shekoji, who reminded him of his inspiration Tanhaji Malusare.

Tanhaji, was a great warrior, he was their 1st Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's great friend and follower. He was one of the most trusted subhedars of his time. He had won the kondana garh with all his strength. He gave up his own son's marriage for swaraj.

They say his hand was cut off in the battle but he still found, but in reality he was dead half way through the battle, which did not mean he was not a good warrior and didn't need the recognition he had.

But, their were two thing we could learn through his story. His faith and devotion to Swaraj and his strength.

By this story, Krishnaji had learnt the importance of swaraj, also where he had the idea that he should be a servant for his people not a king. He understood why his father had to leave in middle of puja's or other festive occasion and why he didn't take a break. Which increased his respect for him. After that, Krishnaji didn't mind his father leaving, he knew it's importance which was also why he could do such mesmerising things from the age of 12.

After knowing the importance, krishnaji filled himself with the thought of increasing and spreading swaraj to a greater extent. He had this idea of swaraj after hearing Tanhaji's story from his mother. For which he was still learning and chose to fight in wars at a younger age.

Krishnaji nodded after hearing Shekoji's words and said.

"Amhihi, Raigad karech nighalo, ya amcha sobat." He said, politely.

(I'm heading towards Raigad, let's go together)

"Tumcha shabda manje devacha shabda!, amchya Radhika-baina yeudya"

(Your words are like god's command, just let radhika come)

As radhika came back, The Yuvraj, vasu and the kashikar family made their way towards Raigad. Both radhika and Krishnaji were quietly glancing at eachother for answers. The answer to their heart beats that ran at full speed when they met.

What's gonna happen?

Will they find their answers?

How will radhika think of this marriage?

Will she be grateful or sad....or maybe both?


Read to find out!

To be continued...

Next chp: Marriage. Pt. 1

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