10.5-Incorrect quotes

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(her 15th life)

Chiasa: I'm like a hamster.

Chuuya: What??

Chiasa: I die abruptly and tragically.


Chiasa: Why am I shaking??

Dazai: Your skeleton is about to hatch.

Chiasa: Of all answers...why that??

(1st life)

Dazai: That's what makes me love you


Chiasa: enemies to lovers, slowburn, angst with happy ending, EXPLICI-


Elise: what is Chuuya to you?

Chiasa: The reason I'm still sane.


The Man: hello chia-

Chiasa, hospitalized and on the good stuff: GET TO THE POINT


(Hospitalized and high on the good stuff again)

Chiasa: do you like lovers to enemies to lovers, slowburn, mlm, reincarnation, immortality, immortal x mortal, GILF, twink dragon, revenge, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT E-

Chuuya, horrified: WHAT

(I absolutely love Renheng and Xingyue)


Chuuya: breathes

Chuuya: I love you.


Chiasa meeting Fukuzawa: ...daddy?

Fukuzawa: I'm not your father.

Chiasa: Can you be my dad though??

(Fun fact: I believe the theory about Chuuya and Fukuzawa being related somehow. And I love this man...(NOT AS MUCH AS I LOVE CHUUYA THOUGH)


Dazai: Giant.

(there's like only a 5cm difference bro- Ain't my fault you short.) 

Chiasa: Twink.


(In Bar Lupin, Dark Era AU)

Oda: Chiasa, I heard you did well on the negotiations. Good job.

Chiasa playing with her drink's straw: Thanks dad.

Momentary silence and everyone staring at Chiasa

Chiasa: Why is everybody staring at me?

Ango: You just called Oda 'dad'. 

Chiasa: No I didn't. Ango are you getting enough sleep? Why would I call Oda 'dad'?? Think about it-

Dazai: Don't try to gaslight your way out of this mess like you did with the negotiations. I recorded it-


Chiasa: I hate kids


Chiasa: Oh dear, oh dear, gorgeous baby

(I have this silly headcanon that yuan's not even a teenager yet because she's a lot shorter than Chuuya)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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