Part Three

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'To a job well done gentlemen.' Price set a full bottle of expensive whisky on the table.  

Once the official debriefing of the mission had finished and they had time to shower, Price had asked them to join him in the Rec room for the unofficial briefing. He did this to give each member a chance to discuss the mission, off record of course.

As the men found a chair and sat down, the only person missing, other then Soap who was recovering from surgery, was Mel.

'Do you think we should wait for her?' Price directed his question at Jackson, her 2IC, while he passed around the empty glasses.

'No. You won't see her again tonight.'

'Why?' Wade asked, impatiently waiting for Gaz to finish pouring his drink so he could grab the bottle.

'It's just something she does after a mission.' Jackson replied before taking a sip of the amber liquid. 'Her way of processing things I guess.' the flippant way Jackson answered the question made Ghost suspect he knew exactly where Mel was and what she was up to.

For the next hour, the conversation continued. Ghost noticed that Price would always steer the topic back to Mel, and how she handled her part of the mission. If Ghost didn't know any better, it almost sounded like a performance review. Intrigued, he watched Price closely, but the old man wasn't giving anything away.

'That was some of the most impressive flying I have ever seen.' Gaz stated. 'It went exactly like she said it would.'

'The Captain is one of the best combat pilots to come through the ranks in the last decade.' Jackson told them. 'If she tells you she can do something, it's not arrogance talking. She's just that good.'

'More than competent on the ground too.' Ghost added. 'Quick thinking and a good shot. Soap and I mightn't have made it out without her help.'

Price raised his eyebrows. Ghost rarely gave out complements. That alone made him wish he had seen her in action first hand.

'Dead or alive, she won't leave a team member behind.' Jackson assured him. 'It's got her into trouble more times than I can count, but they know she's the best. Hell, I've even passed up three promotions to remain her 2IC.I won't fly with anyone else.'

'Sounds like someone else I know.' Price mumbled, causing Ghost to stare daggers at him.

Before long the bottle was empty and Wade made an excuse to leave, much to the relief of the others. He hadn't contributed much except to drink more than his fair share of whisky. He was an average solider at best, his position on the task force owing largely to his family connections. Luckily Price managed to keep him away from most of the missions, which the team was grateful for. Ghost most of all.

With the meeting drawing to a natural closure, the men cleared the table before saying goodnight and heading off to get some well deserved rest.

Jackson and Ghost walked quietly together along the corridor, their rooms in the same part of the barracks. Not usually one for small talk, Ghost fought the urge until his curiosity got the better of him.

'So tell me, where is Captain Carter and why didn't she join us tonight.' Ghost asked, breaking the awkward silence when they reached the end of the hallway.

Jackson, slowed, turning to face Ghost who stood with arms crossed waiting for his reply. The intensity of his stare framed by his mask made it clear he expected an honest answer.

'She'll be in the hanger.' Jackson sighed. When Ghost remained silent, he continued. 'It's sort of a ritual thing she does, when there are deaths on a mission.'

'Deaths?' Ghost asked surprised. 'But Soap's okay.'

'The men she shot aren't.' Jackson replied, watching Ghost's eyes as they widened in understanding.

'Thanks Jackson.'

'Goodnight Sir.'

Ghost stood for a moment, watching Jackson move down the corridor. Before letting outa huge sigh, pulling his packet of cigarettes from his pocket and turning towards the exit.

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