Part Twelve

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A couple of weeks later, Mel was in the Rec room making tea. Only a few inches away, Simon was leaning back against the bench his arms crossed, watching her intently.

'I feel like I'm being judged on my tea making skills.' a small smile lifting the corner of her mouth.

'It's not those skills I'm thinking about.' he watched as her grin widen.

'Down boy. We're on the clock.' she reminded him. They had decided not to advertise their relationship just yet. Price knew, but they would let the others know when the time was right.

'Technically we're on break.'

'Semantics.' Mel laughed as she slid Simon's tea over to him, turning around leaning her back against the bench as well.

He picked up the mug shaking his head at her, giving her a bump with his arm, when Soap entered the room.

'Hey Ghost...Captain.' he went to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle, not noticing Simon and Mel move a bit further apart.

'Welcome back Soap.' Mel said cheerfully.

'How'd they go?' Simon asked him. It was the first time they'd seen him in over a week. Soap had been with the recruits instructing them through their demolitions module.

'They went well. One in particular shows promise to specialise if he wants.' he took a drink, flopping onto the couch. 'And I only had to take one to the infirmary.' Soap sat up straight. 'Say, have you seen the new nurse? She's gorgeous.'

'I hadn't noticed.' Simon flicked his eyes to Mel, who was grinning behind her mug.

The Scot got up from the couch laughing. He walked over to Simon and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

'Your eyesight must be failing Lt if you've missed that fine example of a woman. Right under your nose too.' Still chuckling, Soap walked to the door. 'I'm actually looking forward to my next physical. Catch you later guys, I have to check in with Price.'

Once Soap was out of earshot, Mel turned to Simon.

'Should I be offended I'm not considered a fine example of a woman?'

'The rest of the team consider you as one of the guys, which is lucky for them.' Simon leaned his elbow on the bench, bringing his eyesight inline with Mel's. 'Otherwise I'd have to adjust their thinking.'

'So you're not tired of me yet?'

'The only woman I want under my nose, or any other part of me, is you.' He could see that Mel knew he was telling the truth. 'God I want to kiss you right now.' he sighed. Instead, he rolled up the bottom of his balaclava and took a sip of tea.

'And I want you to bend me over that couch and fuck me.' She smiled as Simon choked on his tea. 'But right now I have to go over inventory with Jackson.'

'Be careful what you wish for love.' he told her retreating back.

At the door she turned around, giving him a wink before disappearing from view.


Later that evening, Mel swiped the door card to enter her room. Groping for the light switch, she flicked it on, tossing her gear onto the desk. Turning around she stopped short in surprise.

In the middle of her room was the couch from the Rec room. Leaning against the bathroom doorway, arms across his chest, was Simon. He pushed himself away from the frame, making his way to her.

She watched him stalk towards her, his face already devoid of the balaclava. He stopped just inches away, not touching, but close enough she could feel the warmth from his body mixed with the scent of tobacco and musk. He looked down at her and Mel's insides squirmed in anticipation.

'I believe there was something you wanted to do that involved this couch.' he said as he slowly began unbuttoning her shirt.

'Relax with a good book?' she said giving him a cheeky grin until Simon leaned down and began kissing her now exposed neck. 'Mmmm..actually it's coming back to me now.'

A loud knock on her door made them freeze.

'Hey Cap. Card game starts in 20.' Gaz called out from the other side.

'Ah....Yeah, okay. See you there.' She responded, trying to the keep the surprise in her voice hidden.

'And if you see Ghost, can you let him know?' Gaz asked. 'I can't find him.'

'Sure thing.' She replied, hearing Gaz's footsteps fade away. She looked up at Simon with a smile. 'I completely forgot about the game tonight.'

'Me to.' he sighed in frustration. 'Hey...what are you doing?' he asked as Mel began undoing his belt.

'He said 20 minutes.' she looked at him, a salacious grin on her face. 'Surely we can make that work.'

'It'll have to do.' he replied, pushing her down onto the couch.


Soap stared across the table at Mel, cards in his hand. He was met with an equally serious stare back. She had just raised by a significant amount, enough that Soap would have to go all in to call.

He had two queens, paired with one on the table giving him a high three of a kind. However, with the other cards in play, Mel would only need a ten or an Ace to get a flush. The way she had been playing tonight, it was likely she had both.

Sighing, Soap tossed his cards face down on the table.


Mel's face it up. She placed her cards on the table, face up, as she dragged the healthy stack of chips towards her.

Simon, Gaz and Jackson broke out in laughter at the pair of twos and the amazing game of bluff that had just beat Soap out of his chips.

'Bullshit!' Soap growled when he saw the cards. Shaking his head he took in Mel's huge grin. 'Well played Captain. Well played.' He leaned back in his chair. 'I'll just have to win it all back.'

Several hands later, Gaz had managed to clear everyone out of their chips. Not ready to leave, the friendly banter continued to flow, the team sharing stories and jokes as the night wore on.

'Hey.....Where's the couch?' Jackson asked suddenly. The rest looking to the vacant spot where it usually was.

'It's out for repair.' Simon told them. 'It got broken this afternoon.'

That wasn't entirely a lie. The couch did need to be fixed, but it was still in Mel's room. He noticed her cover her mouth slightly in an effort to hide a smile.

The answer seemed to placate the others interest, and Soap used the lull in conversation to begin telling a joke.

Half listening to the conversation around him, Simon watched Mel from across the table. She had gotten up to make a cup of tea and was humming something as she waited for the kettle to boil. As if sensing him, she looked over, giving him a little grin before turning back to her task.

In that very moment, it hit him. A smile formed under his balaclava as the foreign but not unpleasant realisation sunk in.

He was in love with her.

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