Part Eighteen

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Wade stalked towards Mel.

'Get away from me.' she demanded, trying to hide the fear in her voice.

'Oh come on Captain.' He said playfully. 'Don't be like that. You and I are just gonna have a little fun, that's all.'

He grabbed her left wrist, pinning it to the armrest and undid the rope tie. Before Mel could wrestle it from his grasp, he forced it to her other wrist, binding them together. Mel tried to stand, but he put his hand around her throat and squeezed, forcing her back into the chair.

'Now, now. None of that thank you.' he tutted, watching Mel struggle to breathe as he tightened his grip. He waited until her eyes began to flutter closed before he released her, coughing and gasping for air. He untied the rope securing her arm to the chair leaving her hands bound together.

'Up you get.'

She stayed hunched over, gasping for breath. Annoyed Wade gripped the front of her shirt and pulled. With a growl, Mel jumped up and rammed her shoulder into his stomach, knocking him off his feet.

She made a break for the door but Wade grabbed her ankle, tripping her over. Hands tied, she was unable to cushion her fall, landing hard on her side. With the wind knocked out of her, Mel struggled to get to her feet.

Wade was on her before she could stand. He latched onto her belt and half dragged, half carried her back to the middle of the room.

'I don't think so.' He jeered as he tossed her to the ground, forcing her onto her back. Mel fought his every move, but thanks to his size, he had the upper hand. Pulling her bound wrists, he pinned them over her head as he straddled her thighs.

'No!' Mel struggled and cried out as he grabbed at her belt buckle.

With his concentration momentarily distracted, Wade rose slightly off her thighs, allowing Mel the space to lift her knee up hard, hitting him in the groin.

He rolled off her in pain and she twisted around, pushing herself to her hands and knees. Mel scrambled to get her feet under her, but in seconds, Wade was there.

'You're going to pay for that bitch.'

When Wade grabbed her foot to pull her back, Mel reefed it from his grasp and kicked as hard as she could.

Her blow landed square on his chest, knocking him back a few steps and her to the ground. Laying on her side in the swirl of the dirt, she watched him stride forward, his eyes furious.

Suddenly his expression went blank and he halted. Staring up at him, Mel watched as he dropped to his knees, a slight pause before he fell flat on his face. The hilt of a knife was protruding from the back of his head, thrown by the masked figure that stood in the doorway.

'Simon?' her voice barely a whisper, not wanting to trust what she was seeing.

Simon entered the basement and made a beeline for Mel, only pausing long enough to retrieve his knife from Wade's head.

Crouching beside her, Mel looked at him in bewilderment. It wasn't until he softly touched her wrists, slicing his knife through the ties that it really sunk in. He was here.

Mel let out a sob of relief, reaching out to him as though he was a lifeline.

'I'm here Love, I've got you.' he told her, helping her stand before gathering her in his arms and crushing her to his chest. 'Come on. Let's get you home.' he murmured into her hair.

Simon gripped her hand tightly, leading her to the door. Before they reached it, a gunshot sounded, the bullet hitting Simon's knife and knocking it from his hand.

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