Part Nine

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For the first time since he could remember, Simon slept in, a muffled ringing sound stirring him from his slumber. With a start he realised it was his phone located somewhere in his clothes.

Reluctantly, he unwrapped his arms from around Mel, leaving the warmth of her bed to find his phone.

'Where the hell are ya Lt?' Soap demanded down the phone. 'The recruits have been waiting here for half n hour.'

'Shit! I'll be therein five Johnny.' he hung up the phone and began grabbing his clothing. Dressing quickly, he slid his phone into his pocket, glancing around the room to make sure he had everything.

He looked at Mel's still sleeping form, grateful his conversation hadn't woken her up. Taking what little time he could spare, Simon crouched next to herbed. On her bedside table was a small notebook and pen, so he quickly scribbled her a note.

Forgot I had the recruits early. S.

He glanced at her a final time and was suddenly hit with an overwhelming urge to give Mel a parting kiss. Fighting this alien feeling, he compromised with himself and softly stroked her hair before hastily leaving her room.


Over the next two weeks, Simon barely saw Mel, let alone spoke to her. There was a brief moment in the Rec room when he found her making some tea, but that was interrupted immediately after he'd said hello. Two recruits were having a fight, so not only did he have to deal with them, he ended up having to take one to the Infirmary.

Buy the time he escorted the recruit back to his barracks, it was extremely late and Simon didn't want to risk waking her up. He did however walk past her door to check if the light was on, but it was dark.

The next day, the recruits embarked on their survival portion of their training, which meant twelve days in the bush. Normally, this was Simon's favourite part of the recruit program, as he rather enjoyed the peace and quiet of the outdoors.

This time though, he was impatient for it to end. He was really uncomfortable with how he had left things with Mel, kicking himself for not getting her number at least, not that there was any reception where he was.

One upside was being out here gave him ample time to think, as his job was mainly to monitor the recruits as they implemented the survival skills they had been taught. So unless they began fighting amongst each other again, he was basically a glorified babysitter.

Unfortunately, by the time they returned to base Simon was no closer to sorting out what he wanted. He had feelings for Mel, that was undeniable. She seemed to return those feelings too, except his intrusive thoughts were working hard in trying to convince him otherwise.

Now he was back and sitting across the room from her in a meeting. They were in the planning stages of their next mission, Price keen for it's success, the failure of two consecutive missions leaving a bad taste in his mouth.

They'd been tasked to take out a communications tower along with several sizeable buildings expected to house a number of military assets. Heavily guarded, they were having trouble with finding an entry point for Soap to work his magic.

Stealing the odd glance here and there, Simon noticed the bandage was gone and the stitches had been removed. It there was a scar, it was hidden by her hairline. Not that a scar would detract from how beautiful she was.

As though sensing his gaze, Mel turned her head, locking eyes with him. She gave him a small smile, one that didn't quite reach her eyes before looking back at the map on the screen.

Simon felt his stomach drop. He should have made more of an effort to speak with her before leaving, but surely she realised that night was more then a booty-call. He'd showed her his face, he'd told her his name. He could count on one hand the amount of people that knew the man behind the Ghost persona.

Or was he reading too much into it? Maybe she was just focusing on the mission at hand, like he should be. Chastising himself, Simon returned his attention back to Price. He would talk to her right after the meeting finished.

The planning session dragged on with no clear outcome in sight. Before frustration took hold, Price ordered them to reconvene in the morning to try again with a fresh set of eyes. Simon waited outside the briefing room for Mel, but she exited in deep conversation with Price.

He looked please and was nodding at whatever she had been telling him.

'I just need to check if it's possible first.' he heard her say to Price.

'Of course.' Price nodded. 'Go and use the phone in my office, it's a secure line.'

She turned around, nearly bumping into Simon's chest.

'Oh. Hi Si....Ghost.' she corrected. 'Welcome back. How'd it go with the recruits?'

'They survived, which means they passed that module.'

'Great news.' she seemed genuinely pleased. 'I have to go make a phone call right now, but I'd love to hear about it later over a cuppa.'

'Sure thing.' Not sure if it was her smile, or close proximity, but all the reservations Simon had dissipated and he decided he really did want something serious with her.

Price and Simon watched her walk quickly down the corridor until she was out of sight.

'Offering her a position with the 141 would have to be one of my better decisions.' he told Simon. 'I don't know how we did without her sometimes.' Price stated, watching Simon's reaction closely.

'I get what you mean Sir.'

'I believe you do Lieutenant.' Price placed a hand on Simon's shoulder. The tone made Simon realise Price had noticed Mel nearly calling him by his real name. 'If there is something going on between you two, all I ask is you keep it professional while on duty. What you do in your spare time is none of my business.'

Not much got past Price, he wasn't the Captain of the 141 for nothing.

'Yes Sir.'

'Off the record, I think she's exactly what you need. There's more to life then the job Lieutenant.'

'So I'm finding out Sir.'


Later didn't arrive.

Simon stared out of the Rec room windows at the large black SUV that pulled up next to awaiting Mel and Jackson.

She was holding a small overnight bag and he could just make out the words KorTac on the side of door, before Jackson opened it for her. Once she was inside, Jackson gave her a small wave as the vehicle made a u-turn and slowly headed for the exit.  

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