Episode 1

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              Snow had just started falling and instantly it raised Clare's spirits. She looked at herself for the umpteenth time in the mirror; she loved her dress but she hated how she looked in it. It wasn't much of a secret that Clare had added a few pounds within the last few months. It seemed that everyone had noticed her sudden increase in cup size much to the boys' liking of course. However, it wasn't half-bad how the entire school reacted and her long-time boyfriend had understood though he kept her from the third plate of anything whenever he could. She had been compulsively eating since the heart-breaking tragedy of her parents' divorce and the incredibly painful break-up with her ex. She really tried to control herself but she was honestly just hungry.

She smiled earnestly, trying desperately to avoid her pudgy arms. She wasn't exactly fat but she was definitely not the same Clare she was last year either. She was planning on making a new year's resolution to stop her binging. It has been over six months since the divorce and believe it or not she was actually quite used to it by now. She lived with her mom throughout the week and spent the weekends with her Dad a few hundred miles away in his new condo near the lake. She dreaded living like this but at least she saw both of them often even though it was quite tiring keeping up sometimes.

She gave a huge sigh. Why was she so nervous about tonight? Suddenly, a dull pain erupted her stomach and as soon as it came it went. She held her stomach and grimaced. This wasn't the first time this has happened, in fact her mom made it clear that it was the side-effects from over-eating. As soon as the pain subsided she glanced herself in the mirror, squeezing her tummy, "Why am I so fat?"

"Clare!" her mother's voice broke into the room like a sudden gush of wind, "You're going to be late."

"Coming mom!" she called and quickly dashed for her handbag on the bed and was out through the door. She honestly was hoping that the night would go just as perfect as the weather. She couldn't wait to see what Christmas had in store for her.

[Theme Song]

The entire parking lot was filled to capacity and Clare's mother was more than ready to protest, "I'm glad I don't have to stay." She stepped out of the car and walked over to the other side to join her daughter. 

"I don't want an escort," Clare admitted matter-of-factly.

They walked to the entrance of the school whose doors were decorated with green and red stickers and trimming and fake snow. However, inside was a feast to the eyes; everything was perfectly in place. Clare led the way to the main hall which wasn't being used for assembly tonight but after all the very first real party since the lockdown; no monitoring, no rules and most importantly no restrictions.

"I'm so proud of you, honey!" Her mother beamed with pride as she looked upon the room's makeover. It resembled a Christmas wonderland complete with falling snow and huge gifts under just as big a Christmas tree.

"She's the best," agreed Connor who had erupted from behind them. He was nearly two feet taller than both the women and looked lovely in a red suit. Clare leapt into his arms and hugged him affectionately. 

"You kids have fun," eyed her mother, "But not too much fun." 

"We'll try," Connor promised half-wittedly. He had a good relationship with her mother and loved playing along with her antics. 

"You can always call if something comes up," she said as she retreated amongst the large oncoming crowd of teenagers. 

It made Clare smile to see genuine joy on her mother's face, something she has been missing for quite some time and she was glad that she had appreciated her handy-work. She was responsible for the planning and implementation of the party, much to the pleasure of Principal Simpson; she was finally back in his good books.

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