Episode 5

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                  The sun happened to be a brilliant glow and the day was actually quite a warm one for early January. It was definitely a great day for Holly J. Sinclair as she greeted and chatted with a few of her colleagues at Yale that Tuesday morning. 

"Ready for the big day?" asked one guy amongst the group.

"I'm always ready," she answered confidently, "I am so ready for this election."

"Y'know, there's a great chance that you could win this thing," answered a blond-haired girl, "It's going to be a pretty big thing. Have any personal supporters to stand by as you become president?"

"Well, I might not, but I'm hoping," Holly J. said with hope and glee swimming in her eyes, "Maybe I might have my boyfriend here just in time. I haven't seen him in person for a couple of months and what a way to reunite."

"Long distance relationships are tough, aren't they?" asked a third girl who was sporting a handful of Holly J. medallions around her neck.

"Not this one," she admitted with pride.

[theme song]

              Many a student were busy checking and replacing their books in their lockers. It was the second day at school which Clare hated to face, but she had to, much to the chagrin of her mother who was adamant that she didn't mind being late for work and had driven her to school anyway. She was just about to close her locker when in the corner of her eye she happened to notice a tall, dark-haired teenage boy whom she was very much willing not to see. She flinched as she turned her attention back to her locker, idly shifting books and then when she was about to close her locker when he had finally passed and out of sight, it was slammed shut for her. 

"Is it more me you're avoiding than him?" asked Alli, with crossed arms.

Clare was visibly shaken by the sudden fright and as she tried to recollect herself to answer her friend, Alli continued, "I saved you a seat on the bus. What happened?"

"The school bus!" Clare acknowledged, "That's why you're mad at me."

"So?" persisted Alli.

"I got there late," lied her best friend.

"You're such a terrible liar," Alli could not believe her ears and her expression showed just that.

"I couldn't face it. I took the public bus instead." 

"And that makes so much sense to you," Alli commented almost sounding cynical of her friend's decision, "There's a reason why your mom wants you to take the school bus - no money at all."

"I'm getting a job next week and it wouldn't seem so bad then, I promise." Clare answered with a determined voice.

"Just be careful, OK. Money goes by pretty swiftly with babies you know, every penny counts."

"Well, thanks for your support," Clare said sarcastically.


            "So, which one of us do you think is going to win her over?" Connor said as he looked at the red-headed girl from his table at lunch time. 

"I'm out," Adam answered, "I'm not exactly myself today."

"OK." answered Connor unsure.

"It's obvious, she's mine," Wesley piped up.

"Yours?" asked Connor in shock, "You really think she would choose you over me?"  

"FYI, you had a break up just yesterday, maybe it's my turn for a real relationship, don't you think?" Wesley said as he fixed his glasses on his nose carefully.

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