Chapter 9: A Little Late

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At that moment, Abraham pulls into Ruben Breakfast House, a fast-food place five minutes away from Wake City Mall. He had ten minutes to spare for coffee and a quick bite to eat. As he pulled into the drive through, he noticed a man holding a sign:

"Hungry! Need food! Have no job! Homeless! And Anything that you can give will be a blessing!"

Abraham did not know what to do. He thought long and hard about what he heard on the radio. He searched his wallet to see what he could find. The only thing that he had on him was twenty dollars. He prayed to God. "Lord, let this man not be a con! I pray that this money will be a blessing to him.

When opening the window to present him the money, the man was ecstatic with praise and thanksgiving and said, "Thank you so much! My wife, children and I will use every bit of it!" "What are you talking about? How many children do you have and why are they not with you?" "Well, I have two children who happen to be at school. My wife is at the community hospital expecting our third child." "What happened to you? Why do you not have a job to support your family?"

"Well sir, I was let go three weeks ago due to job shortages?" "What line of work do you specialize in and what is your name?"

"Well, my name is Luis Cabello, and I worked on cars as a mechanic at Michael's Auto Shop here in the city. "Well, Luis, I pray that you and your family will be able to get on your feet! I know that this money will not take you far, but here is also my contact information! And in that moment Abraham gave him his phone number and name on a small piece of paper. "Sir, thank you so much for this charity. I pray that God blesses you also on this Tuesday!"

Abraham, knowing that time was of the essence, and that he needed to get to work, waved goodbye. He did not know if he was going to mee him once again, but he knew had to get on his way. Looking at the menu, he ordered a number six, which consisted of a bacon-sausage biscuit, small hashbrowns, and orange juice. Thinking how much this meal was going to cost him, Abraham went to the pick-up window.

"That will be $9.16!" "Abraham felt discomfort in hearing the cost of the food and thought, "Jeese! I wonder what Luis can get with twenty dollars! God, I wish I could have given him more money but that was the only money that I could give! There is a community center located a few miles down the road. I wonder if Luis and his family are staying there!" "I am sure God knows all of his needs and knows the names of the children!"

And with that thought, Abraham went on his merrily way to work. While getting out of the car, he checked his watch and noticed and it was 8:05. "Oh! Shoot! That conversation with Luis lasted longer than I thought! I am five minutes late! Certainly by now, all of the chefs, the waitresses, and the main manager, Juan, are at the planning meeting! This has been my third time being late in the past three months; I hope that can by with just a warning." "Opening the door to the planning room, Abraham hears Juan, "Oh Abraham! I am so glad that you finally made it! We were thinking about where you were all this time! You will have to stay behind after the meeting!"

Abraham stayed after not knowing what was going to happen. "Jesus, is this going to be the day that I will hear, "I'm sorry Abraham but we have to let you go." "Certainly not! I have been here at Cervantes Dining for thirteen years and have seniority!" With three feet between them, Juan approached Abraham and informed him, "Hey Juan, we here at Cervantes Dining, have appreciated all that you have done; however, this will have to be your last day! This is your third time being late in the last three months!"

"But Juan, I was trying to help a person at a fast-food joint and I have worked here for thirteen years! Does that count?" "Well, Abraham, I need somebody that I can depend on, and Juanita has shown herself worthy! She is always on time and is dependable! She has also completed the Head Chef Program through Wakeview Chef University! I am very sorry for this, but today will be your last day with us!"

Trying to compose himself, Abraham took a long breath. "Juan, I completely understand! I hope that Juanita continues to lead Cervantes Dining in 2003." "Abraham, this was a tough decision!" "I have come to know you and your family well! Maybe this is a great time for you to focus on your family? Isn't Ricky also graduating from high school this year?"

"Yes sir! You're right!" "Well, Abraham, I am glad you understand. Oh Abraham! Don't forget to turn in your Cervantes Chef uniforms!" "Sir Juan, can you please excuse me? I have to go to the bathroom." "Alright, but make sure that you are in the kitchen, because you know how busy the morning crowd is! "Abraham went to the staff bathroom located to the right of the meeting room. Sitting in one of the stalls, Abraham prayed aloud, "Jesus, what do I do now? I have been a chef all my life! If the title "chef" is removed from my name, what does that make me? Nothing? Maybe, I should just leave right now; however, that would not give me a good reputation! Let me Lord have the right attitude for my last time and help me focus on my relationship with Ricky! Maybe, I can also attend more of his concerts! I know that he is trying out for the musical, Grease in November."

Looking for a silver lining in the sand, Abraham keeps on remembering Ricky's name, every time he finishes a dish for a customer or receives a compliment. The breakfast hour goes very quickly from 8:30 to 10:30. At 11, Abraham is ready to go on break for lunch for an hour. He is not sure how he wants to spend his lunch but knows he must be back around noon for the lunch crowd. Abraham, looking for a place to eat, decides to head to Ruben Breakfast House. Thinking proactively to himself, "I wonder if I will see Luis again!", Abraham turns his car into Rubens and notices Luis eating a sandwich alone. "Well, Lord, I guess I can see how Luis is doing. For I know that life is not just about me but other people!"

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