Chapter one : Bella

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Monday, January 16th 2023.
Today is my brother Bradley's wedding. I'm not too fond of his wife to be. She's my age and we went to the same school. Brad sees her as a sweet little angel, I see her the opposite, a fucking devil. But my hatred for Emily won't get to me today. Today is about love, and mainly my brother Brad. I have to be apart of the wedding. I'm a bridesmaid, I have to wear a red flowing type of dress. Not my ideal look but it's not my choice. I mean red? With my pink hair? Yeah that doesn't go together. Though my hatred towards Emily is like sky high, I think she looks absolutely stunning today. A true princess. Only for today and this day only. It's busy in the bridal suite, Emily's parents keep coming in an out. The flower girls refusing to get their hair done, the bridesmaids taking their one small drink of Prosecco. And the bride just touching up her make up.

I want to go and congratulate my brother before the ceremony began so I walked out the bridal suite and to the grooms suite. I knock on the door and it only takes about 30 seconds for someone to open the door. He was tall, around 6'2, he had deep brown hair that looked messy but in a way looked kind of cool, pale blue eyes and pale skin. His suit was black and I tell you, I love a man in a black suit. Why can't I stop staring at this man?
"Can I help you?" He asked ,looking down at me.
"Oh, yes! Is Brad in here?"
"Yeah he is, there is only a small problem though"
I looked at him confused. How could there possibly be a problem already?
"His suit ripped" the man continues.
"I have some sewing materials I could use"
"Nah it's okay. He can have my suit I'll wear his"
I mean it's sweet of him to allow that. I walk in to go see my brother and my days , he looked nervous until he saw me. Then he looked relaxed. His hair was nicely styled and for once he put effort in for how he looked.
"Bella!" He said happily, "thank god I can see you, how's Emily?"
"She's okay, how are you feeling?"
"Stressed, very stressed"
I try comforting him with a hug, which seems to work a bit.
"But my days you look stunning Bella!" His smile is so bright which I believe was contagious I started smiling.
"Why thanks big brother!l" we both laugh, "I'm so proud of you! My brother is getting married!"
"Yeah, can't wait for you to be married"
"Yeah that's not happening anytime soon"


It's time for the ceremony and me and the bridesmaids have already walked down the isle and we are stood in our places. It's a lovely scenery, the only down fall is that it's cold and snowing. Everyone stands up as Emily begins to walk down the isle. It's like living a fairytale. From aside that is. However ,as everyone's eyes was so attached to the bride, mine caught onto someone leaving the wedding? It was the guy from earlier the one who replaced the suit. My brother also seemed to notice and he gave me a look that tells me to go get him for Emily's sake. I sneak out around the chairs and I followed this man. He was stood next to the horse and carriage. He looked upset.
"Skipping the wedding are we?" I try make a joke to make him laugh but it made things worse.
"For fuck sake you startled me!"
"Didn't mean to. Why walk out anyway"
"None of your damn business"
"Whatever you say just hurry up cause it's already started and it's not a slow ceremony."
I walk away with nothing left to say. I got back into place just in time to witness their vows . Emotional.

"I love you , I mean it I love you with every breath in my body ,
You have no idea how much you mean too me , you have no idea how much your precense make me smile of the sight of seeing you , I feel like I've finally found my princess , my love , my forever person , my true love. Spending time with you has become my favourite thing , I don't ever want it too end , when you leave it lowers my mood I can't help but feel down I miss you the second you leave , I feel like I wanna be trapped In that moment forever.
From that very day in chemistry class we were placed next too each other , the girl that would help me when I needed help the most I realised through those times I knew I felt something for you.
I truly believe that you are the one , the one that would make me happy forever , I care for you like a husband to his wife I want a future with you .
I love you my sweet and beautiful girl ,my queen my angel my wife ill never stop loving you no matter what" Brad confidently says his vows like he has practiced for a play. Emily is stood there trying not to cry and ruin her makeup. The ring is placed onto her finger and it was Emily's turn. Emily was stating her vows when that boy walked in again. Thank god I don't have to get him again.


Everyone is dancing and singing celebrating the bride and groom. It's been a lovely day, full of love and laughter. There's drunk people chanting, songs being played. It's a wedding and a good one in fact. I was sat at the table drinking a Prosecco, vodka and orange juice ,my new friend Louisa was talking to me about her husband and kids. Can you believe she had her first kid at 16! She's 26 now, obviously her husband is the father. Ha young love, couldn't be me.
All night I've been drinking ,including shots and more, to be honest I think I might've been drunk but who really cares to be honest with you. I was on the balcony on my own to catch some air cos it got way too hot in the venue and it was too crowded. I took a swig of my drink and I heard some footsteps behind me.
"Skipping the wedding are we?" Came a voice.

"No no just some air"

The boy from earlier stands next to me and his aftershave is that strong I think my brain could smell him!
"So, brads sister, how come I haven't seen you on the dance floor yet?" He asked.

Maybe because I don't want to? Who does he think he is!
"Just don't wanna dance?" I responded, the man nods and takes a sip of his drink.
"I'm Noah Spring by the way"

"Bella Diaz"

Noah Spring, kind of a funny name is you ask me , all rock hard with the forename and very sweet in the surname.
"Well this is awkward, I'm just going to go, I mean it is late anyway" I said.

"I can drive you home if you like"

I did need a way to get home , I had no more money left for the night, I spent it all on tequila rose shots.

"Okay then, let me just say by to my brother"

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