Chapter 11: Bella

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Friday 27th January 2023.

Today has been a lovely day with Noah, he came to mine and helped me pack up some of my stuff, I also managed to sell my sofa, so in my living room I just have some bean bags, rug and blankets and of course my tv. I'm giving the tv to Brad and Emily before I go, they have just done decorating their conservatory and asked for my tv for £70 which I can change to dollars when I'm in Australia.

Today was also the day I said bye to Mocha. For a dog to move from England to Australia, she need to be flown out, into a vets near by and vaccinated and quarantined for over a month. It was a hard day, I cried when we said bye to her. But Noah cheered me up with a cheese cake and snuggles from Oliver. I can't wait to see mocha again! I need my fluff ball!

Me and Noah went out for the rest of the day. As the snow has cleared up we took a nice walk, went into the arcades down the seafront. He won me a jelly cat sushi. Through out the day I realised I had feelings for Noah. The way he was with me was so gentle, sweet. And I feel like he feels the same towards me. I mean we almost kissed! We was in the Photo Booth for a laugh and I tell you I could feel his warm eyes looking at me. So I looked at him. Sadly, the booth said we was done so we couldn't catch that moment between us. 

His lips where right there Bella!

And when we was walking I had my around his bicep when walking. I don't know it was just so... natural! He was none stop smiling too! We have decided to go out on Sunday for a meal both me and him. I don't know if I should tell him how I feel.

Ah I can't stop picturing him!

I even managed to get some photos of us from hanging out, some are posted onto my instagram too.

I'm sat on the bean bag downstairs with Oliver, Noah was so nice to let Oliver stay with me for a few days. I was eating my home made chow mien and I get a notification on my phone that Jack had liked my post. Not the one of me a Noah, but the one of me and Mocha. I honestly thought nothing of it. Until I get a message from Jack. It read.

"Hey Bells, I know that you probably don't want to speak with me and that is completely justified. I was an arsehole, I let my emotions get the better of me and they clouded my judgement. I shouldn't have acted how I did and I'm ever so sorry for that. I just couldn't put a face on anymore, I couldn't pretend that all the time we'd spent together hadn't amounted to anything. You see the truth is that I love you Bella, I have ever since you'd shown me what it was to care about life again. And in no world was I ever angry with you! I mean how could I ever be angry with you? I was angry because ever since Noah turned up in your life I realised that I'd never be enough. All I've ever searched for are ways that I could try and be there for you. I know you don't feel the same, I wouldn't ever expect you to, but if there's one thing you can do- please enjoy all the time you spend with Noah, cause I'll always be out there somewhere wishing i was him."

I just stared at the message. He's likes me? I really don't know how to respond to him so I just leave him on opened. And I believe that was where I made a mistake.


5 hours later.

I'm woken up by someone banging on my door. I rub my eyes and put some warmer wear on. I walk downstairs and open the door. It's Jack. However he looks a mess. His hair was messy his glasses had a crack in them, he's drunk. He walks in getting close to me and I back up a bit. But I walk into a wall. He uses the wall to lean his hand on, he's towered over me and I can't help but look at him in the eyes. His gorgeous hot chocolate eyes. He's looking at me too. What was he doing? Why am I so sweaty all of a sudden.

I'm basically pinned to the wall by this man and it's attractive! He lowers his face so he is only just a little bit taller then me and close to my face. I can see the passion in his eyes. And I can feel it in my heart! Was he also about to kiss me? He looked so sorry, so weak, so drunk. He then didn't go to kiss me he put his head onto my shoulder. I'm shocked.

This guy I have been friends with for so many years, just confessed, rocked up to my house pissed out of his head, and pinned me to the fucking wall. Hot. But still! I have no clue what to do and how to react!

He whispers. "I messed up didn't I?"

Well yeah you did but what you said was so forgiving. I can feel him turn his head to my neck and then I was shocked to feel him do a small kiss on my neck. I was so weak in the knees!

"Let's get you some water." I said.

I helped him sit down on the bean bag and lay a blanket on top of him. I walk over to the kitchen and grab a bowl just in case he threw up, then I also grabbed a glass of water. I walked over and placed down the bowl and helped him take a sip of his water.

Immediately after setting his drink down he pull me onto the bean bag next to me and just cuddled me. We always did this. Yet this time felt different. I had butterflies. The same ones I have for Noah!

I run my fingers through Noah's hair and I can tell him getting relaxed.

I really do forgive him. He just didn't want to lose me. It's just when he said "ever since Noah turned up" it makes me worry. What if they fight! I know that Jack and Noah bumped into each other on Tuesday. And Noah said he was gonna go for him but he didn't. Shit! Have I caused something?

I close my eyes and couldn't stop picturing Jack pinning me to the wall. Help me!

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