Chapter 2: Noah

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We was in my car, and I think the alcohol has just kicked in for this girl. She was singing in my car. Singing her little heart out to 'No Scrubz' by TLC. I mean she can't sing but I gave her credits for trying. Now that I think about it much, Emily hasn't mentioned Bella at all. I've known about Brad for 2 years including Brads family but some reason not her? Maybe Emily forgot.
"Fancy going to McDonald's? The food at that wedding was dog shit." She said putting her feet on the dashboard. I could actually agree about the food at that wedding being shit. But to be honest I'm not that hungry. But looking at her, I could tell she was hungry.
"Okay fine I'll get you something"
"What about you Noah, that's funny to say , Noah..." she giggles along laughing at the pronunciation of 'Noah'


She ended up eating a Big Mac but gave me the rest as she was full. What a Bargins I guess? This girl is strange, unusual even. We was just coming out from Cleethorpes and I turned to talk to her, but she's fast asleep. I put the heating on for her to her keep warm. She looks so...vulnerable if that's one way to put it.

I kept on driving for a while until the navigation system told me we was at her house. The houses looked so old, historic you could say. In front of her house was a sale sign. Was she moving? I looked at her but didn't want to wake her up. So I decided to let her sleep and I went on my phone for a bit.

30 minutes later she woke up, yawned and looked at me confused.

"Where are we?" She asked.

"Your house"

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked peaceful I guess?"

Bella nodded her head slowly and looked at her house. I looked back at my phone.

"Moving house I see?" I questioned.

"Oh yeah, moving to Australia in a few weeks"

"Why Australia?"

"Love it there?"

Out of all places she chose death country? There's spiders, box jelly fishes, sharks, stingrays and snakes there! She's crazy I tell you. Bella gets out the car and crouches down to see me.

"Thanks for the lift Noah" she smiles and walks off, well she kept nearly falling over.

I stayed in that spot until I knew she was in her house safely, it took her a while but she got in. I reversed out into the street and started making my way home.

It wasn't till I parked on my drive that I noticed she left her heels in my car. I pick them up and exit my car and get into my house. I put her shoes on the shoe rack to remind me to take them in the morning. I was greeted with my mum who was looking after my dog Oliver. I couldn't leave Oliver on his own he's my world.

"Good night?" Mum asks me.

"Yeah, it was alright"

"I can't stay long dear , I can't even keep my eyes open" she kisses my cheek and leaves the house to her car. I watch my mum leave the house and take off.

My house was cold, empty and completely dark. You can hear a pin drop it's that quiet. I put my blazer on the kitchen island and made myself some water as my mouth is dry like a desert. To be honest I'm glad I didn't drink too much. I can't be arsed for a hang over tomorrow at work.

I work as an electrician so I must represent my company very well, so I can't be hung over at my customers house. Oliver comes waddling over to me and just sits and stares at me. I can tell what he wants, so I open my fridge and grab a slice of cooked ham and give him it. His tail wags as he ate his slice. I yawn and look at the clock that's ticking on my wall. The big hand was at 3 and the small hand was at 11. 11:15. I should really go to sleep. I made my way up the stairs with Oliver rushing ahead of me, he jumped onto his bed at the end of my bed. I get out of my suit and to be honest, been dying to do that all day. I folded my suit and put it in my wash basket for me to wash in the morning with a bunch of other clothes. I opened my wooden dresser and grabbed some joggers. I rub my eyes trying to stay awake. I walk myself into the bathroom and brush my teeth.

By the time I was ready for bed , Oliver was snoring even tho he looked very uncomfortable. I don't understand dogs sometimes. Very strange. I get myself into my covers. I set my alarm for then next morning. I tried to sleep but for some reason I couldn't. It's been a day. First missing most of the ceremony, then that Bella girl? God I hope she's okay. My head was full of questions. Why didn't Emily mention Bella? Why wouldn't she want me to know her? It took me around an hour to finally get to sleep.

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