4. Love or lust?

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That Summer's Afternoon.

It has been a few weeks that the two boys haven't hung out, due to school. If they did run into eachother whether at school or home, Gojo would make an excuse or outright avoid him. After what Geto said that day, he was a bit heartbroken.

One afternoon, Geto came home from his classes. He saw Gojo's shoes by the door. "Satoru? I'm home." He called out, pulling off his sneakers. Gojo came out of his room to see him. "Hi." He peeked out from the door. Normally, Gojo would be all over him, happy to see him come home. He opened his arms, waiting for a hug. "No hug today?" He smiled. Gojo shook his head. "You're probably tired and stuff so I won't bother you today." He wanted to jump in his arms and hug him tightly, telling him how glad he was when he came home. He decided to restrain himself.

Geto frowned. This wasn't like Gojo at all. "Is something wrong?" He asked, heading over to him. Gojo's sapphire eyes followed him around. "Yeah, I'm okay. Why'd you ask?" He said, putting on a fake smile. "Do you care about me or something?" He joked, trying to make Geto believe his lies. "Yes. I do care." Geto looked more serious now. "I just want your annoyance and affection. Is that too much to ask?" He frowned. Gojo's heart could explode at any moment. He liked when he did those types of things? Gojo pulled him into an embrace.

"Welcome home." He said, pressing his face into his neck. They haven't interacted for this long in a few weeks. It felt nice. Geto chuckled and hugged him back. "There's the Satoru I know." They stayed like this for a few minutes. Gojo eventually let go. The black haired man ruffled his hair softly. "I'm gonna finish my homework. You wanna watch a movie after? Today's friday." Feeling Geto ruffle his hair felt good. He hadn't done this since they were in highschool. He leaned into his hand. "Okay."

Geto sat around his desk, starting on his homework. He wanted to finish quickly so he could spend some time with Gojo. The white haired man went back into his room, slumping on his bed. He could still feel Geto's touch linger on his hair and body. Would things be awkward between them? They hadn't really talked since..

Gojo's heart throbbed. He didn't want to think of that right now. He pressed his face deeper into his pillow, smelling the familiar scent of fabric softener. Geto had finished his homework a bit earlier than usual. He knocked on Gojo's door before peering inside. "Satoru?" Gojo lifted his head from the pillow to the sound of his name being called. "You're done already?"

Geto nodded. "You still up for that movie?" He gave him a grin, leaning on the door frame. Gojo sat up from his bed. "Uh..okay. Yeah." He agreed before getting up and following the black haired man to their shared couch. They scrolled through a few movie options together. "I'm up for a bit of romance." Geto said before looking in the romance section. Gojo leaned back against the couch. "Never thought you'd be into romance." He said with a chuckle. Geto only shrugged. "I just feel like it right now." He clicked on a romance movie with the remote in hand. It started to play.

Throughout the movie, Gojo wasn't really paying much attention. His gaze flickered over to Geto every few minutes. It was dark in their apartment, the TV light shining on their faces. They eventually went into a position where they were curled up together. Geto's head on the other's shoulder. The black haired man had noticed the staring and looked up from his shoulder. "Is the movie boring?" He asked. Gojo's cheeks were a bit flushed, knowing he'd gotten caught. "Ah-um no. It's fine." They continued to watch the tv.

Gojo still couldn't focus. The talking and other noise from the TV sounded like background noise. Incoherent. Geto would occasionally look up to check if he was watching, which he clearly wasn't. He paused the tv with the remote and sat up to fully face the other man. "Is something wrong?" Gojo snapped out of his daze and met those dark eyes. "Nothing much." He reassured, putting on a fake smile. The black haired man frowned slightly. "Are you sure?" Gojo nodded.

That Summer's Afternoon. [SATOSUGU]Where stories live. Discover now