12. Forever.

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That Summer's Afternoon

They headed home, Gojo taking the weary man to his bed. He sat him on the bed before Geto laid down. The way he looked made his heart sink.

Geto wanted nothing more than to sleep and forget all this pain in his chest. He closed his eyes, wanting this hurt to go away.

Gojo sat down on the bed, next to where he laid. He rubbed under his eye, feeling how puffy they were from crying.

They didn't say anything. He was there to give Geto comfort in any way he could. If silence was what he'd wanted, he would provide.

Geto fell asleep eventually, Gojo still by his side. He was still enraged by his boyfriend's parents. Who would treat their kid like that? His sisters might have heard too.

A sigh parted from his lips before he placed a small kiss on Geto's forehead as he slept. He left him there to sleep, heading outside of his room and sitting around the table. He rubbed his temples in frustration.

A few hours later, Geto awoke from his nap. His eyes slowly fluttered open, taking in his surroundings. The sudden knots and nauseous feeling came back as he remembered what had happened earlier. He wanted to throw up.

He wobbled out of his room in search of his other half. He was in his room, the door cracked open slightly. "Satoru?" He called weakly, opening the door. His head turned in the direction of his voice.

"Need something?" He asked, sitting up on his bed. Geto didn't say anything, crawling into bed with him. He hugged him tightly, with no intention of letting go. Gojo didn't object, wrapping an arm around him for comfort.

They stayed like this for what seemed like forever. All he could think about was his parent's disapproval. It was exactly what he had imagined, possibly worse. He wanted this wretched feeling to leave him alone.

He shouldn't have told them. If he didn't, none of this would've happened. His mother probably wouldn't speak to him again. Same with his father.

The twins were his only hope. They were the only people(besides Gojo) he didn't want to lose. He loved them a lot. They meant so much to him.

"I don't deserve you." Geto suddenly spoke, burying his face in the other man's chest. "Don't say that." He rubbed his back muscles gently. "I really don't." His eyes burned again, wanting to cry. He didn't have the energy to. Seeing that he's wasted it all on his parents.

"You're perfect. Too perfect for me." He muttered, holding him tighter. "I'm not perfect." They endured the silence for a little while, thinking of something to say.

They held eachother for a long time, the silence filled out throughout his room. "I love you. Y'know that?" Gojo spoke, holding up his face so their eyes would meet.

"I know." He whispered, forcing himself to meet his gaze. "That is never going to change." He added, placing a small kiss on his forehead.

"Just get some rest. Give them some time to process everything." He brushed his hair to the side as Geto closed his eyes, giving his boyfriend a soft hum in response.


It was December 24th. The most romantic day in Japan. Gojo had a lot of things planned for them today. He bursted into Geto's room, heading over to his bed.

He was healing, but very slowly. He was able to get rest, he was also eating more. That was good. Gojo grinned, hovering over his bed.

He shaked him awake gently. "Wake up! Guess what day it is." He spoke in a sing-songy voice. Gojo was never really a morning person but he had a lot of energy today.

That Summer's Afternoon. [SATOSUGU]Where stories live. Discover now