10. Sweet.

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That Summer's Afternoon

The two boys hurriedly headed into the bathroom, locking the door behind them. Geto was quite eager, pushing Gojo against the closed door and roughly kissing him. His tongue slid in the other's mouth, meeting with Gojo's own. Their hands were caught up in eachother's body and hair, not wanting to let go of the other.

Geto took off Gojo's outer layers of clothing before he lifted the hem of the man's shirt, pulling it off of him. The white haired man did the same for the other. He swiftly unbuckled Gojo's pants before pulling it down. "You sure seem eager." He remarked, watching as he pulled his pants down. "I've been wanting this since the other day, so of course." He truthfully replied before undoing his own pants. "Really? What day was that?" Gojo remarked, going over to start the shower.

Geto flung his pants out of the way before pressing himself up against Gojo again. His fingers tugged at the waistband of his boxers before slipping in. He put his lips up to the other's ear. "You kept provoking me in that restaurant." He whispered. Gojo could feel his cock twitch in anticipation. His fingers were so close. "Just a little groping turned you on? Cute." The sounds of water filled that small bathroom. Thank god they had an apartment to themselves.

Geto took his hands out of Gojo's boxers before taking off his own and hopping in the shower. The white haired man grumbled before getting in as well after fully stripping. The warm water ran on their bodies. Gojo's body came into contact with Geto's wet one. "Hey..you left me hanging back there." He whined, giving him a few kisses on his collarbone.

Geto's hand traced his spine as the other wet man gave him kisses over his upper half. As their hips rolled against eachother, he could feel himself getting lightheaded. The intensity of the pleasure was increasing. It felt good. His head rested on Gojo's shoulders as they continued. He felt himself become weak in the knees. "Don't fall now." Gojo joked as he held Geto up by his waist. "I'm not gonna fall.." he replied, his legs trembling some more.

They continued to grind against eachother's already wet erections. "Keep doing that..I'm almost there." Geto breathed out, putting more force into his movements. Gojo's hands gripped at his thighs, causing the other man to moan out in surprise. His hand went down to his bare ass, squeezing them gently before his fingers slid their way in between it. He pressed at the hole, feeling it pulsate. "Ah, fuck." Gojo cursed out under his breath before taking his hand out.

He slipped his hand in between them, holding both of their throbbing cocks together. Gojo's hand pumped up and down, both of them feeling pleasure. Loud moans and the rushing water filled the small bathroom. They were so close to release. "More..a little more." Geto moaned out, holding Gojo as close as he can to him. He hummed in response, his hands sliding up and down their erections more frantically.

They came together, a few spurts of pleasure dripping down from their cocks. Gojo gave the other a long kiss, just below him ached for more. They quickly showered before going into Geto's room after Gojo had to grab something from his. Not even bothering to put on clothes, they fell backwards onto his bed, kissing eachother passionately and touching the other's body.

Gojo spreaded the other man's legs apart before getting out the bottle of lube he carried on their way to Geto's bedroom. He looked down at the white haired man's hands, coating his fingers with the clearish liquid. The smell was strong. It was fruity. Something tropical. Gojo's fingers pressed up against his hole, feeling the cold sensation. A shiver made its way up his spine.

"It might hurt." He warned before pushing his finger in, slowly penetrating him. Geto flinched as he felt the man's index finger pushed up his ass. "That..that feels weird." He admitted, laying back on the sheets. Gojo could barely move his finger. "You're tight. Just relax a little." He grunted before moving his finger in a circular motion, pushing it up more. Geto was definitely not used to this. It all felt so strange. It hurt, but not by much. He tried to relax a bit so he could get the job done. The white haired man slid his finger in and out once it was he was able to fully push it as far as it could go. "Does that feel alright?" Gojo questioned, wanting to make sure he was comfortable. Geto nodded in response. Seeing as this was a green light, He thrusted his finger around his hole, trying to find his "sweet spot". He eventually found it, seeing the other man react to it. He pressed into his prostate once more, as Geto moaned out in pleasure.

That Summer's Afternoon. [SATOSUGU]Where stories live. Discover now