14. That Summer's Afternoon.

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[Final Chapter]
That Summer's Afternoon

In the morning, the couple checked out of the hotel after a passionate night. Gojo took the wheel, turning the car key. He turned his attention to Geto. "Everything alright?" He asked, just wanting to make sure. "Yeah." The dark haired man replied, giving him a small smile.

Still, Gojo didn't drive off just yet. "Are you sure? Because what happened with your parents was pretty fucked up--" "I'm fine. Trust me." Geto placed a hand over his as it rested on the steering wheel. "..are you positive?" The white haired man repeated. "Yes, Satoru." He squeezed his hand before letting go. He wasn't really fine, considering his parents practically 'disowned' him because he was dating a man. Gojo, specifically. They had never really liked him--even when they were teenagers. They claimed he was a bad influence on him(though it was only half true.)

Gojo nodded and sighed before driving off back to their shared apartment. On the drive, it was mostly silent. Comfortable for both of them. Sometimes, they didn't need to speak to eachother to express what they were feeling. Somehow, the other knew. Though it was weird, you couldn't deny they had a strong bond.

Once inside, Geto sighed with relief. The white haired man closed the door behind them and headed to the couch, where his other half was already sitting. He noticed him fidgeting around with his promise ring. "Is something wrong with it?" Gojo asked, taking a seat next to him. "No. Its just..I'm not used to having jewelry on." He said with a small smile, holding out his hand to look at it at a better angle.

"It looks good on you." Gojo complimented, taking his hand to admire the ring. "Thank you." They stayed in silence for a moment as they focused their attention on their hands. The azure eyed man lifted his hand to his lips, giving it a few small pecks on each finger. "Are you sure everything is fine? You can talk to me." Geto let out a small exhale, the memories and previous emotions flooding his senses and mind. "No. I'm not okay." He choked as he was caught in a sudden embrace. Gojo held him close, wrapping his arms around him. The dark haired man felt safe in his arms as he hugged him back. His hands clenched the fabric of his clothing, inhaling as he took in Gojo's familiar scent. He started sobbing. He couldn't hold the tears back from falling. They stung his eyes as his vision went blurry.

"Do you want to talk about it?" His boyfriend asked softly, rubbing his back slowly. Geto sniffled, pressing his face into the crook of his neck. "My parents hate me." He squeaked out. "..I knew that was going to happen. Why did I go? Everything would've been fine if I didn't come out." He took a deep breath. "Ever since I was a kid, I'd always search for ways to find their approval. And as I got older, they placed expectations on me. I guess now that I'm dating you, it goes against the expectations they had for me." He took another breath, going silent to try and get his thoughts in order. "Isn't that fucked up? That I value my parents opinions and thoughts over my own." He let out a bitter chuckle, his heart scorching with guilt. He felt nauseous again--like back at his house when he fought with his parents. He wanted to throw up, thinking of that dark memory again.

Gojo could relate somewhat. Searching for a parent's approval was something most kids went through only to please them. "I'm sure they'll come around with time." He reluctantly reassured, not knowing what else he could possibly say. He continued to hold him, caressing the back of his head. "It's not..fucked up. You just want their respect and attention. I get it." They stayed silent for a while, feeling a bit more comfortable in the other's arms. The other man hummed in response before speaking up again. "They wanted grandchildren, Satoru. They wanted me to have a family. A normal one." Geto shifted more to get a better position in his arms. "..But we're a family, aren't we?" Gojo asked, just to see what he'd say.

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