Chapter 4

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'WHAT' they both yell
'Guys what's going on, and Heather take that top of now it shows ur stomach' My mum saids and then walks off

I look down at my stomach and fold my arms to cover it.

'Don't listen to her your beautiful' Damien saids
'Also uhh side note where did you get the top' My sister asks
I laugh and then say 'I made it'
'Heather, your really talented you know that?' She saids back

I smile at her and then Damien saids he wants to know more about this boy.

'I don't even know if I like him okay, and we're just friends' I say
'Well what does he look like' He replies

I start to explain Alejandro to them and they both look really interested. Once I've finished describing him my sister looks at her phone.

'Shit we have to go our plane leaves in 2 hours' She saids 'Damien come on we have to go'
'Okay I'm coming hold on' Damien replies
'Bye Heather' she saids and give me a hug 'Stay in contact okay?'
'I will'
'Bye Heather, and remember please don't listen to mum your gorgeous' My brother saids as I smile and watch they walk away.

As soon as they leave my smile drops and I walk upstairs and see my mum at the top of the stairs.

'Heather omg what did I say about your top.' She saids 'It's shows your stomach to much, you need to go on other diet'

I look at her trying to hold back tears.

'Okay mum' I say as I walk towards my room
'Oh and once you've changed give me that top it will look so much better on me'

I'm about to tell her that I made this top but then she'll say 'I was just joking' so I'll wait till she puts it on. I walk into my room and go into my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and think about what Liam said to me yesterday and what my mum had just said to me now. They weren't wrong I really did look like a pig. I thought I looked so ugly as I was never as pretty as my sisters or my best friend. I sat down on my bathroom floor and cried. I wanted to text court because she knew how to comfort me but I felt like I was a burden. So I just sat alone. About an hour later I finally pulled myself together and got up off the floor. I went over to my wardrobe and picked out something really baggy to cover my stomach so my mum couldn't say anything to make me more insecure. Then I went back to my bathroom and put on more makeup. Normally I only wore mascara apart from on dates or a special occasion but I still felt ugly with only mascara on, so I put on so much more caking my face. I put on a fake smile in the mirror and then went and crashed myself onto my bed. I pulled out my phone and I had a few texts from Sarah🩶, Court🤘💞, mum and Alejandro👍 I ignored the one from my mum and opened the one from Courtney thinking it might cheer me up.

Courtney: Heather Kasuga.
Heather: Yes court?
Courtney: Are you okay ml?
Heather: Yes I'm fine dw
Courtney: That's other words for I'm 100% not fine
Heather: It's just my mum
Courtney: You really need to stop listening to her
Heather: I know but it's just hurtful and I mean my boyfriend cheated on me anyway so she's not actually wrong is she
Courtney: Are you kidding me? Of course she's wrong you are the most beautiful girl I know and so many other people think it too. You need to stop listening to your mum who wants to make your life hell. Let me ask you a question. Was your mum hard on Sarah?
Heather: I mean yh I guess but she left at 15 because she couldn't take it and didn't want my mum to dictate her life anymore
Court: Exactly your letting her hold you back now you think your sister is gorgeous right?
Heather: Yes I do she's beautiful
Courtney: So your mum was completely wrong just like she's completely wrong about you. If you want to quit Modeling and leave her then do it the only person holding you back from doing that is you.
Heather: Thank you court I rlly needed that I love you lots
Courtney: I love you too 🩷

Court always knew how to make me confident again and I loved that about her. And if I'm being honest she was right what is stopping me from quitting modelling and leaving her house. Never mind I'll answer that question, my money. Ugh. Never mind back to square 1. I pull a blanket over me as I look at my other texts.

Sarah: Me and your brother love you lots and please don't listen to your mum, your always welcome to stay with us.
Heather: 🩶

I mean I could stay with them but I don't want to travel that far I mean what would I do without Courtney. I put my phone down because I don't really want to talk to anyone else right now. I close my eyes and try to go to bed but I can't so I grab my phone again and open messages again. Then I see the name 'Alejandro👍' I honestly forgot that he sent me a text so I quickly open it.

Alejandro: How is your day going espléndida
Heather: Honestly quite bad
Alejandro: Do you want to talk about it?
Heather: Yh but can you call I can't be bothered to text
Alejandro: Ofc

I call him and he immediately picks up. I just start to vent to this guys and he sits there and listens the whole time. Once I'm done he asks me if I want to go to his tomorrow and of course I say yes I'll do anything to leave this house. We end up having conversation after conversation until I look at the time and it's 1am.

'Okay I'm going to bed now it's 1am' I say obviously tired
'No please stay on a bit longer'
'No alejandro I'm so tired'
'Okay well good night princesa' He saids

I hang up and help but smile. I really think I am falling for this guys.

I said this chapter would be longer but I'm so tired😭 but I hope you all have a wonderful day or night and I'll see you in the next chapter 💞

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