Chapter 11

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Heather pov

We arrive at the coffee shop just as the song 'Speak now' finishes.

"Perfect timing," Courtney saids.

"I love speak now," I say.

"I do to but im a 1989 girl for ever," She replies.

We smile at each other and we walk towards the white building. It was a gorgeous coffee shop because of it beautiful flowers outside. That wasn't the only reason we loved this coffee shop though. We loved it because it was often quite and peaceful, but I loved it because of their cats. They had 3 cats that would sit in there all day. My favourite one, Blake, would sit on the window sill. He was a ginger cat and was feisty to others but to people he loved he was the sweetest. In some ways he reminded me of me. Once we had got in, we sat at our usual table next to the window. I stroked Blake's soft fur as he purred happily.

"Do you want the usual?" Courtney asked me.

"Yep," I said.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

I sat there looking out the window as I stroked the ginger cat. The place was so quiet. Only a few people were in there since it wasn't a popular coffee shop. Soon after Courtney came back with my drink.

"One caramel macchiato for you," She saids.

"Thank you," I replied, "So what new with you?"

"Eh nothing interesting," She said, "Only everyone being kind of annoying."

I laughed at her comment, "Who is?"

"Honestly everyone except duncan."

"Duncan? Really," I say.

"What about him?" Courtney asks.

"Nothing, it's just isn't being annoying his like only personality?"

Courtney laughs at this but then talks about him for what seemed like forever.

"Courtney as much I love you, please shut up about your boyfriend," I said.

"Sorry, sorry." She replied, "Anyway what about this whole getting kicked out thing?"

I tell her exactly what happened and her face once I was done was shocked. She was definitely not expecting that. But then I told her about what happened with Alejandro and the whole career situation.

"I'm so sorry Heather," Courtney saids, "And also I'm gonna have to meet this Alejandro guy first."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you meet him,"

"Good, anyway do you want to stay at mine for some time?" She asks.

"I would, but I'm pretty sure Alejandro is expecting me to go back to his."

She give me that look and I roll my eyes at her. We've both finished our drinks so we get up to leave. I kiss the cat goodbye and we walk outside into the cold.

"Why is it so cold omg," I say.

We get into Courtney's car and she turns the heating on. Thank goddess. Then we drive to the mall to get my clothes.


I'm not sure if I like this chapter but oh well I wrote it while I was in my best friends car and let's just say she's not a very good driver😭 So I'll give my self a excuse.

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