Chapter 21

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Corrieshalloch Gorge, Scottish Highlands

I've always disliked having to share a bed - yes, yet another pet peeve of mine!

I've only really been in one situation where I ever had to do it often - with Donnie, of course - and I loathed it. We never officially lived together during our various on-and-off-agains, and I'm very glad about that because my quality of sleep was even worse when I had to share with him. He snored, he starfished, he'd try to snuggle in the wriggliest of ways.... while I would lie there wide awake, staring furiously into space and imagining the many ways I could murder him.

With Owen, though, it's different. Of course it is. He doesn't snore. He doesn't try to take over my entire bed as if it's his god-given right. We drift off to sleep with our arms wrapped around each other after kissing for what might have been many hours, and I actually sleep soundly for most of the night.

When I wake, Owen is still fast asleep. The early morning light is flooding into the room through curtains I only half-heartedly closed the previous evening, and it's an unbelievably flattering look on him. Messy hair, the colour of dark caramel, falls forward over his forehead; his handsome features are illuminated, golden lashes appearing even longer as they rest against those tanned, lightly freckled cheeks. The tiniest of smiles teases the edges of his full mouth, and I resist the urge to push my forefinger into the more pronounced dimple in amongst his stubble.

Owen Sullivan is in my bed.

I don't want to wake him just yet; I want to admire him in this relaxed state. Capture this moment forever, perfectly framed in my memory, so it doesn't slip away somehow.

He stirs ever-so-slightly, fingers curling more tightly around my arm, and a contented sigh drifts out between his lips. My insides clench together as he gradually eases his way into consciousness. Light brown eyes blink sleep away, and he squints in my direction, finally focussing in on me.

"Phew," he says quietly, his grin lopsided. "I was really worried this was all going to be a dream."

He needs to stop saying things like this before I start to fall for him. Who am I really kidding though - I've been hovering on the high board since Sunday, but somewhere along the line, my foot slipped and instead of a neat, controlled dive, I'm tumbling haphazardly and unable to get my bearings.

I'm already falling. Hard.

"Were you watching me sleep?" He adds suspiciously, rubbing his eyes and propping himself up on his elbow.

"No," I protest, flushing. He smirks, seeing right through my lie.

"I know you're not really a breakfast person, but I'd love it if you'd join me today," he says softly, reaching out to stroke my hair.

I can no longer say no to him. And I can't resist his lips either when he pulls me closer.

I'm not sure how I'm going to keep my hands off him today, I think to myself as he closes my door behind him five minutes later, away to get ready for the day. I'm also not sure how I'm going to hide my feelings from Debbie and Michelle. And do I need to worry about my brother now, too?

Head reeling, I check my phone as I head towards the shower. I can see Nessa sent me a message just after midnight.

Talked things through ❤️ x

A photo of her newly be-ringed left hand accompanies that caption. I'm delighted for her.

Congrats! Can I choose my own bridesmaid dress? (Assuming I get to be a bridesmaid, obviously! 🤣) xx

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