Chapter 20 - Planning the proposal pt 1

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Let's get married mumbled Asta. Huh! did I heard you right we should get married? No you misheard me just now I didn't say that at all. Oh shit I almost blew it,damn why I said so loud. Now she has an idea of what's to coming but I think I'm safe. Asta! are you hearing me let's go get lunch I'm starving. Ok Noelle I'm ready I know a great spot we can go today. Sigh, he thinks I didn't hear him but I did. Now I'm so excited to see how and when he'll propose to me.

They went on there little lunch date and it went well. But Noelle's mind is still cloudy and in a dream about her wedding. Soon to be at least her cheeks were so red and full while looking at Asta. But he was as usual looking at Noelle boobs lost in a daze drooling over the table. Although he's not the smartest but his heart is so big at times for everyone. I can't see myself with no one else said Noelle he'll forever be my stupidsta. Ok we're done here no lets go I have some errands to run.

Errands huh I wonder what he going to do? Ok alright just take back home and you can be on your way. They went back to thr hide out and Asta kissed Noelle goodbye. Then flew off into the distance on his sword as she watched him. She ran inside locked herself in the bathroom and began to panic. Saying, Is he going to get something or set up to propose. I can't think straight what is he going to do I need to remain calm. She went back outside to take a walk and breather to ease her mind.

Asta was on his way to the Heart kingdom to have a talk with Gaja. He wanted to tell him advance to make certain preparations for his proposal to Noelle. He arrived there and the Heart kingdom is always ever so breathtaking. He was immediately noticed by Loropechika who invited him inside. Greeting each other as too the water spirit Undine then went off to see Gaja. He was in the forest area training with one of spirit guardian having a epic battle. Gaja shouted Asta long time no see pal how have you been lately I see you're training.

Hey Asta and yes I'm always training to get even more stronger. So I can protect Loropechika and kingdom at given anytime you know. Ok so admirable of you to be such a well grounded guardian. Anyways I'm here to have a talk with you about me and Noelle. Oh ok you guys are so fit for each other if I haven't said times before but ya continue. Ya so I'm going to propose to her and I'm going need your help. In making it a memorable and forgettable experience can I trust you in doing so for me Gaja.

Yes of course omg it's about damn time you get married to her. I just know she going me crazy ass happy when you get on one knee. I'm so happy for you and I'm glad you consider me to help you. I want no one to know of this just keep this between me and you said Asta. Ok no problem my lips are sealed but its going to be hard keeping it from Loropechika. Please no Gaja I'm begging you cause I think Noelle. Is slightly aware of all this and I want it to be a surprise.

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