Grey/ Ch. 2

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Draco POV

I looked at my mother as we parted on the platform, sadness and regret swimming in her eyes. I almost couldn't bear the thought of leaving her by herself until Christmas. She never really liked to be alone; neither did I. But I figured that's how I would spend the rest of the year.

"Oh Draco, I'll be alright. Go on or else you'll be late!" My mother stated as she shook her head of hair the same shade as mine, with a few grey ones here and there.

"I know you'll be alright. I just wish you had someone to keep you company while I'm away," I mentioned leaning toward her, making sure those around us couldn't hear.

She gave a look of dismissal, waving her hand in front of her face, "I'll be fine as long as you remember to write, now get going!"

Reluctantly, I trudged toward the train. I definitely was not looking forward to this year.

"Ouch, watch where you're going, arse!" A grouchy third year shouted at me.

"You should watch where you're going, I'm Dra-" I started to respond until I realized what I was going to say. I'm Draco Malfoy. It was a reflex, believing that my name gave me some sort of hierarchy above others. My father strictly believed in this, one of the reasons he was taken to Azkaban. This is going to be difficult.

I boarded the train seeking a quiet compartment. I wasn't in the mood to socialize with students that had me listed as number one on their hate list. So basically, everyone. I found an empty compartment toward the rear, suiting my desires. I sat down on the seats that were all too familiar with me. There were so many memories contained in this train--- too many to explore. I tried to take my mind off of these haunting flashbacks by reading a book. I surreptitiously stole a few books from the family library before apparating to the station, wanting to keep something that reminded me of my mother. I read the authors name and title. Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice. I shrugged, not being familiar with the author or title. I read a few pages before hearing a knock at my door.

"Mr. Malfoy, when you have the time, please send Ms. Granger to my compartment," the Head Mistress commanded as she strode into my compartment. "Oh, and here are a few students that didn't find a compartment, I don't believe you'll mind," she eyed me, not really giving me an option.

"Yes professor," I responded. I was truly looking forward to not being around other students. Two girls and a boy walked in, bearing the colors of Hufflepuff. They sat down awkwardly, trying not to make eye contact with me. I could tell the girls were close. They sat next to each other while the boy sat to their left. The boy had auburn hair with hazel eyes; brown at the edges and green near the pupil. The girl nearest the window had short dirty blonde hair; brown eyes. The girl in the middle had dull brown hair; blue eyes. They all looked so uncomfortable that in that moment I took my leave to find Granger.

I hadn't any idea where she, Potter and Weasel might be. I didn't even see them board the train. I'll just work my way up, I guess. I didn't reach their compartment until I was almost at the front of the train. I looked in the small window to see the trio, along with the Weaslette, Lovegood, and Longbottom. I knocked three times before opening the door.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry asked, his voice ridden with irritation.

I tried my best not to make a snide remark. "I need to see Granger for a moment, Potter."

I saw Granger look toward Potter, while he gave her a look I couldn't read. She stood up after about three seconds of silent communication with Potter. She strutted out of the compartment, crossing her arms as she did so.

"What is it Malfoy?" She asked with disgust.

I tried to control the anger building up inside of me. Why is it everyone looks at me like I'm a bloody goblin? I already knew the answer to that question, and I deserved it. "McGonagall requires your presence in her compartment immediately," I replied with a low tone.

She stood there staring at me suspiciously. After what seemed like an eternity, I raised my brow to grab her attention. I watched as a red tint painted her cheeks. I didn't really understand why, but I started to get unusually uncomfortable. "Well, um," I said unsure of what to say, "I'll just be leaving now." I pushed past her, hoping to get away as quickly as possible. God, I hate awkward moments. I hate awkward people that make everything awkward. Why do people make things awkward?

I walked into my compartment as the trio was snickering uncontrollably about a letter one of them received. They suddenly regained their control once they noticed my return. They sat stiffly amongst themselves. A few moments of silence passed before I picked up my things and left. I truly cannot stand awkward situations. I walked to the caboose and opened the door that led to the small space outside. The wind blew softly as the train descended the track. Conveniently, a small chair sat to my right. I sat down and opened my book to the front page.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

Yeah, right. I knew plenty of single bachelors that wanted to remain single for the rest of their lives, only committed to one-night stands and week long flings. This book must be from a different time, I thought. I read on as a character, Mrs. Bennet, told her husband about a girl being engaged by a man of high standing. I reached the 20th page before I heard the opening of the door.

"Oi, can't be out here," a haughty voice grudged behind me. I looked and saw a train worker, clad in typical conductor attire. He had a scrunched face with many wrinkles, sun spots, and scruff. He was slightly hunched over, standing about to my chest.

I grumbled under my breath. "Sorry." I just wanted to read in peace. I wondered how long it would be until we arrived. I sighed as I trekked the train, again. I managed to find a compartment completely void of another human life form. A surge of satisfaction rose to my chest. I shielded the window and locked the door. No way was I letting someone ruin my quiet time.

I opened up my book for what seemed like the thousandth time this morning. I managed to read quite a bit before we reached Hogwarts. As I saw the castle come into view, I put on my robes; my Slytherin emblem proudly displayed. Even though my house wasn't the best of the bunch, I still wore it with complete confidence. I strode out of the train, watching as students walked past me. I looked up at the colossal castle. This brought back many painful memories, but I let them reside. I could see where repairs had been made. I also took notice of the extravagant plants and flowers that gave life to the castle. I breathed in the scent, savoring it. I abruptly didn't feel as dull as I did previously. Hmm, that's strange. I continued to walk to the Great Hall, admiring the flowers as I did so. A few dozen students seemed wary of me as I walked past them. I chose to ignore this fact, seeing as it wouldn't get me anywhere.

I arrived in the Great Hall after the majority of the students made their way inside. I sat at the end of the Slytherin table, greeted with nods from my acquaintances. I nodded back politely. At least they acknowledged my presence. The Head Mistress started the sorting ceremony. There weren't many new additions to Slytherin this year. Plenty went to Gryffindor, a good bunch went to Hufflepuff, and a small group went to Ravenclaw. McGonagall strode back to her podium.

"Let the feast begin!"

~Author's Note~

This chapter was the death of me. Do you realize how difficult it is to write in two POV's? Ugh. Anyway, sorry if it kinda sucks and I know it's going kinda slow but please bear with me! And super sorry for the late update, I've been practicing a lot for an upcoming audition. The next chapter should be up within the next week or so!

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