Grey/Ch. 4

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Draco's POV

I strode into class late. No one payed much attention to my tardiness except for Granger. I rushed to the door. I realized that Granger was behind me and moved to hold the door for her. Well, if I'm going to start a new chapter, I might as well start here. She looked a bit puzzled, but nodded a thank you. I walked in and gazed at the new classroom. It had purple walls, purple curtains, and a marble floor. It was rather impressive. Almost everyone took their seats and I hadn't taken mine yet. I noticed Granger didn't have a partner. I sat next to her and turned my attention to the blackboard. Madam Pomfrey enchanted a piece of chalk to write some things on the board. I could see Granger staring at me in my peripheral vision. I put on the best smirk I could muster.

"Like what you see, Granger?" I asked with sarcasm.

"What would make you believe that, Malfoy?" She turned toward the blackboard, flustered.

I chuckled a little. "Oh, nothing, just that you've been gawking at me for about five minutes now. You know, you could always take a photograph. They last longer." I winked at her.

She tried to look disgusted. In reality, she just looked cute.

Did I just call Granger cute? 

I managed to keep composure. I realized that most of my emotions reveal themselves on my face, and I've been doing pretty well at concealing them lately.

"I would never consciously choose to gawk at you, Malfoy."

I smirked again. "Well then you were subconsciously."

I returned my attention to Madam Pomfrey. She was discussing what we were going to learn this semester. I wasn't really listening. I was thinking about my mother; I hope she is doing well. With my father not being around, I was worried that she would be lonely. She doesn't like to socialize much, not with anyone outside the family. I wrote to her encouraging that she go and acquire new friends. She was mostly anxious because she knew there were wizards that would not forgive the deeds Death Eaters performed. I informed her that such wizards are not of vital importance and had no business in her life. My mother was an amazing woman, she did not need outside influences telling her how to live her life.

The thoughts that preoccupied my mind left when I felt a jab in my rib. I looked to see it was Granger.

"What did you do that for?!" I asked, rubbing my rib. 

She did not reply but only looked forward. I was confused as to what she was looking at; I felt a pair of eyes watching me, those eyes being Madam Pomfrey's. She had an irked look on her face. 

"Yes, or no, Mr. Malfoy?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

I had no idea what the question was. I figured it was something about medicinal care, so I had a fifty-fifty chance of getting the question right. "Umm... no?"

The class erupted with laughter. I looked around confused.

"Mr. Malfoy, do you know the question to which you answered?"

"Well, um... no." I was slightly embarrassed that I had been so caught up in my thoughts.

"I asked if you were paying attention. Next time, make sure you do?" She mocked.

I nodded quickly, "Yes, Madam."

I observed as Granger giggled to herself. She looked up at me and tried to contain herself. I almost slipped a snarky remark, but decided to shrug it off and laugh too. Trying to start a new chapter is easier when you're able to laugh at yourself.

Madam Pomfrey dismissed us to our next class. I had Advanced Potions. I was excited to have it with Ravenclaw's, as they would bring some competition into it. I wasn't too excited about having Slughorn as my professor. We had sort of a rough past. I hoped we would be able to get past everything. I left the classroom and headed toward the all-too familiar dungeons that housed many memories. Not very many good ones, but memories nonetheless. I entered the classroom and sat toward the back. A blond haired girl promptly sat next to me.

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