Grey/ Ch. 5

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Hermione P.O.V.

"Well, isn't he a sight to see!"

I looked in the direction of Ginny's eyes as a boy sauntered into the classroom. I have never seen him before; if I had, I would've never forgotten. He was tall with lightly tanned skin, toned (but not too bulky) muscles, and had blonde hair that softly curled, reaching just a little past his ears. He noticed a few girls staring and flashed the most amazing smile. How on Earth are his teeth so straight? I thought of my parents and an image of a wizard with braces came into view. I chuckled a little, thinking of how silly it would be for a wizard to get such a common muggle tool. He look toward me. His eyes were brown, but a brown like that of chocolate diamonds. In short, he was just wow.

"Don't stare too long or else you'll put a hole in him," Ginny mocked as she elbowed my side.

"Wha- what? I was certainly not staring. I think if anyone is staring, it would be you. Be careful, if Harry catches you he might poison that guy," I warned her. Harry could get a little jealous sometimes.

She shook her head at me. "I should be careful? You're the one dating Mr. Jealous Pants. I advise you to be careful," she said with a wink.

"Like I would ever be with anyone but Ron," I noted. It's true, I couldn't imagine being with anyone other than Ron. He was sweet, kind, and made me laugh. What else could a girl ask for?

Class started with Slughorn entering and introducing the year's course. He pointed at the new boy and told him to stand.

"This is our new student, Alexander Lebrocq. He is transferring from Koldovstoretz School of Magic in Russia! What a wonderful institution, I must say! On everyone's behalf, welcome to Hogwarts," Slughorn concluded with a grin on his face. Everyone greeted him and exchanged a few words. Once everyone was settled, Slughorn began conversing with Alexander. He really is a sight to see. What am I saying? I'm with Ron for heaven's sake! I turned my attention to my book until class was dismissed.

As I turned the corner just past the classroom, I tripped on something and managed to drop about every book in my hand. Wow, way to go, Hermione. Just great. I reached to grab my supplies when they suddenly stacked neatly on top of each other and floated in front of me. I took them and peered around to see who had performed the charm. I saw Alexander leaning against the wall with his wand in his hand. "Thought you could've used a hand."

I nodded curtly, attempting to leave to the common room as quickly as possible. He stopped me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I turned slightly to see him gazing down at me. Oh this is terribly awkward.

"My name is Alexander," he said with suave.

I inwardly sighed. "Yes, I already knew that." He chuckled lightly, releasing my shoulder.

"Well I said that expecting to receive your name in return," he said, a smirk plastered on his chiseled face.

Dear lord, I sound like a lunatic!

"Hermione Granger," was all I replied. I needed to keep Ron in mind, which was slightly getting easier since this guy sounded like too much of a tease.

"What a beautiful name. Mind if I call you 'Mione?" He asked.

"Well," I started. Stand your ground! "Actually yes, only my friends call me that. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be." I left him at that, not giving him a chance to counter.

I finally waddled into the common room with my over-stack of books. I was soon helped by Ginny, who noted that I had a complete volume at my disposal.

"Well spotted, Ginny," I responded sarcastically.

"I was just saying! Now put those bloody books down and come sit with us! Relax a little!" She said enthusiastically.

I followed her to the couch, taking my place next to Ron. I rested my head on his shoulder, only to have him slightly scooch away. I looked up at him to see his face slightly green.

"Ron, is something wrong? Are you ill?" I asked, worried about his health.

He paused a moment. "Actually, no, I'm feeling a bit queasy," he muttered running up the stairs leading to the boys dormitory. Harry looked at me and dismissed himself to help Ron. He probably overstuffed himself at dinner.

"Well I suppose we should get to sleep," I suggested to Ginny.

Harry and Ron came down the stairs, the ginger looking slightly paler than before. "Not quite," Harry chimed in. "Ron has a bit of a nasty bug, we need to take him to the hospital wing."

"Oh, yes we should!" I replied, wanting to get Ron help as soon as possible. "I'll be in later, Ginny!"

We strode out of the common room hoping not to attract much attention to Ron. We managed to get to the hospital wing without Ron throwing up. Harry checked him in and told me to head back to the common room, stating that he would stay with Ron tonight. I begrudgingly agreed. I quietly walked down the many hallways, aware that the paintings would get irritated if I made too much ruckus.

Lost in my thoughts of nothing, I bumped into someone. Hard.

"Oww!" I moaned, gently holding my nose that began to throb. I looked to see none other than a platinum blonde. He rubbed his chest lightly, pretending that my nose had caused him damage.

"Watch out Granger, you could impale someone with that thing," he smirked.

I scoffed, trying to come up with something witty. "Well, not as much as yours could!"


He smirked again and laughed, "That's the best you've got, Granger?"

"No, it certainly is not!" I yelled hotly. I can't let him win this. "I'm just too tired to waste my time on a good remark for you is all."

"Too tired, right. Anyway, see you later, Granger," he then started to laugh lightly. I gave him a quizzical look.

"Get it? It sounds like that muggle saying, "later gator!" He said, still laughing. I managed a small laugh too. Wait, I can't laugh with him! Get it together!

I stopped laughing. "Haha very funny, Malfoy. Now if you'll excuse me, I must get to my dormitory before McGonagall suspects anything. Goodnight," I canted, taking my leave. I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. Well this is familiar.

Malfoy had a strange look on his face, of embarrassment or awkwardness. Or both. "Look, Granger, I'm... sorry..."

"What?" Was all I could muster.

"I said I'm sorry, for everything. I know it's random but I figured better now then never. I just wanted you to know."

With that he turned on his heel and walked away from me. Was that a dream? I also turned and headed toward my dormitory. The image of his eyes came once again to my mind, this time of the light hearted ones I had just witnessed. He seems as though he's changed, a lot. What was I saying? Malfoy could never change. I hopped into bed after telling Ginny goodnight. The image of a grey storm aided me into slumber.

~Author's Note~

Holy crap I haven't written in such a long time. MAJOR UPDATE: that thing that I auditioned for, I made it and had a little fun. We mostly practiced so I didn't get to tour that much and the people there were really cut throat and would cut anyone that tried to take their chair. I'm like the total opposite so it was very awk.

But anyway, I'm really sorry if anyone read this and wanted more updates. But I wrote this at midnight just because I thought about it. But here's the 5th chapter if anyone is still reading. And idk if this means I'll start writing more or not. If you want me to write, please tell me, or else I won't feel motivated. Thanks!

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