Ch6: Boo pt1

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So he's now just walking around the airship to look for the little puff ball, it's been about 10-30 minutes since they got on the airship and it's honestly going pretty slow.

'Where the hell is that little shit?? I swear to Jin-' [M]'s thoughts were cut off when he heard some of the examiners talking, so he did what any normal person would do and decided to eavesdrop on them.

"So, how any applicants do you think will make it this year?" A voice that [M] recognized as Menchi said. "You mean who will pass the exam?" Buhara asked. "Yup, looks like we've got a pretty impressive group here. Though I did try to fail them all, still." Menchi said.

"Gee, I don't know. I guess it depends on what the other phases are." Buhara said. 'Huh, so even they don't know whats next.' [M] thought to himself. "That's a good point, I hadn't thought of that. But a few of them stand out didn't ya notice? And one even has this whole aura thing going on."

'She's probably talking about Hiso.'

"What do you think Satotz?" She asked the thin man. "I'm inclined to agree, I quite like the rookies this year." He responded. "Me too! I like number 294, I really think he's gotta good shot at winning."

"I'm partial to 99 myself" Satotz said, and Menchi added, "He looks like a spoiled, selfish brat if you ask me!"
[M] chuckled a bit 'I mean, he kinda is, but-'

"What about you Buhara?"

"Who I think well pass? Well they're not rookies but my moneys on 44 and 45. I'm sure you guys must've noticed it too, but when number 255 was throwing a fit 44 and 45 were the ones that looked like he wanted to kill someone."

'Yeah, I wanted to kill him because he was being so fucking loud.' [M] thought and rolled his eyes. "44 had this cold intense blood lust, while 45 just looked like he just wanted to make 255 shut up."

"Of course I noticed that, how could I not? 44 looked like he could barely restrain himself. And 45 looked like he just wanted to fall asleep or kill 255. Wait, hold on, didn't you realize? They've been like that ever since we showed up, I've had a bad feeling about 44 this whole time."

[M] was getting bored now so he just moved on, and continued looking for his puff ball of a brother(in law).

🖤🩶🤍(Timeskip to when [M] finds Gon and Killua.)🤍🩶🖤

[M] finally found the little puff ball and his friend, his name was Gon right? Anygays, he decided to eavesdrop for a bit because he's just cool like that. "Most of the time people only like me cause they can't tell if in serious or not." Killua said. [M] was now confused as fuck because he has literally no fucken context on what's happening. "I'm from a family of assassins. So yea they're all in the business of murder, and my entire family they've got real high hopes for me."

[M] decided that since Kil was probably about to go on an important monologue that he might as well come out now. He silently walked behind the two kids and spoke in a monotone voice, "Boo" The two kids turn to look at him with shock, Killua looked like he was gonna kill [M] if he didn't recognize him. "[M-M]?!"

The man in question just laughed a bit. "Haha, yeah it's me." He said with a small smile, he might not know Killua very well but he knows how traumatized he is so he'll just be kinda nice for now. "Why are you here? Did mom send you? Is Illumi here too?" [M] chuckled a bit at all the questions, but answered them. "No Kikoy didn't send me, and yes Illumi is here but Ive already talked to him about stuff so he shouldn't be to harsh on you." Killua sighed.

"Wait- so are you two related?" The green haired child asked. "Technically yes, Im his brother in law because I married his older brother." [M] said smiling. "But I thought Tompa said you and Hisoka were married?" The little piece of grass is now confused. [M] chuckled a bit (again-) "Well, Im married to both of them! Its called polyamory, it's when you have more then one parter and your both okay with it." The grassy boy just nodded, still kinda confused but whatever.

This chapter ends at about the halfway through episode 7, Showdown X on X the X Airship.

Author says random shit!

1- This chapter is cut in half because i haven't finished it, but i wanted to post something. The next part should be out in either a few hours or a few days lol.

2- sorry for the lack or updates, mental health has been pretty bad, but its getting a bit better!




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