Special Chapter :D

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This chapter is just me explaining [M]'s abilities/nen in more detail, why he likes/dislikes specific things, and random things that don't really have anything to do with the story /plot but I wanted to include anyway.


If [M] touches something with his whole hand it will decay into dust. He has to use his whole hand to decay anything, not just his fingers, he has to use his palm too. Decay is a genetic ability, kinda like how only the kurta can have the scarlet eyes only people who are blood related to the Shigiraki family can have Decay, and not everyone that's related to them has this ability. No one really knows how or when this ability was created. There is a special kind of glove that people with this ability wear, it only covers the thimb, index and middle finger.

-Silent Execution-
[M] can make bullets come out of his finger(s), but unlike Franklin he has to make finger guns for it work. Making the bullets doesn't take much effort but making them completely silent tales a good bit of energy to do, so he tries not to use it to often. But if he's alone then he won't make them 100% silent. The bullets are kinda quiet even when [M] isn't trying but they still echo a bit. Je can also make rubber bullets but that also takes a good bit of energy.

[M] can make tendril/tentacle like things come from his back. They're kinda like octopus tentacles but different because they don't have suction cups (or whatever there called idk). It takes a bit of energy to make them so he normally only makes 1-3 at a time. They're black with a bit of cyan mixed in, they kinda look like this except there less goopy.

(I changed the name of this ability from Nightmare to Tangled since it was named  Nightmare because of Nightmare Sans but it probably won't really make sense to someone who doesn't know who he is

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(I changed the name of this ability from Nightmare to Tangled since it was named Nightmare because of Nightmare Sans but it probably won't really make sense to someone who doesn't know who he is.)

[M]'s likes/dislikes


1. Hisoka: Hiso is his husband, of course he likes him.

2. Illumi: Same as Hisoka, Illu is his husband.

3. Cats: One word; Jinx.

4. Candy: Candy is sugar, and sugar is good.

5. The Troupe: He sees the Troupe as his family.

6. Braiding Illu's hair: It's fun and soothing to play with and style other people's hair.

7. Salt: Salt is good, plus [M] is slightly based off of me and i have POTS(im to lazy to explain it sorry) so i gave [M] an iron deficiency :3

8. Rain: Rain is nice.

9. Climbing things: Its fun to climb shit.

10. Kalluto: Must protec da child.

11. Sleeping: "If I'm not awake nothing can go wrong."

12. Kikyo: Mother.

13. [Your Likes]: *why you like them*


1. Aiko: Manipulative, abusive, homophobic bitch. (Not me projecting-)

2. Greedy people: He just doesn't like them.

3. People who hurt his friends/family: I mean, who would like some one that hurt the people they love?

4. Spicy food: He has zero spice tolerance.

5. Milluki: Do i really need to explain?

6. The dark: The dark is scary and he's paranoid.

7. Boring people/things: "It can't be fun if it's boring."

8. Silva: Again, do I really need to explain?

9. Sour foods: It burns his tongue/taste buds.

10. [Your dislikes]: *Why you dislike them*

Auther says random shit!

• [M] Hiso and Illu are married but they each keep their own last names.

Jinx is Illumi's cat but [M] has said multiple times that if they ever get a divorce he's taking Jinx.

[M] and Killua don't interact very much despite how often he visits with Illumi and Hisoka. And because of that Killua doesn't know a much about him, but [M] knows a good bit about Killua from things Kikyo and Illumi have told him.

If you haven't noticed most chapters have a lot of dialogue, that's because im fucking terrible at describing things/people. Sorry lol

Sorry for it taking forever for me to get this book back out, my mental health is kinda shit right now.

[M], Hisoka, and Illumi each have a couple of different nicknames/petnames for each other. Here are most of them:
Hisoka for [M]- Darling, Doll, Love, and [N/N].
Illumi for [M]- Love, Sweetheart, Doll, and [N/N].
[M] for Illumi- Illu, Dear, Dove, and Love.
Hisoka for Illumi- Illu, Dear, and Love.
Illumi for Hisoka- Hiso, babe and Love.
[M] for Hisoka- Hiso, Love, and babe.
(If you don't have a nickname you can just use the first letter of your name.)




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