Chapter 6

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      I continued pushing on the big metal door, but it just wouldn't open. I gave up and shouted in frustration before sitting on the cold floor. Then suddenly I thought of something, I have been pushing on the door and I never pulled it.

     I stood up and pulled the handle, the door was a bit heavy, but it opened. I walked into the room and was surprised to see what seemed like a very small library, with a reading desk at one side, but what surprised me most was that all the books  were so clean, because if it was abandoned, the books  would be old and dusty, which means someone had been coming here frequently.

       I walked around the small library and I picked up a book. The book I picked up looked so ancient, in fact all the books looked ancient. I opened the book and saw that it was not English language that was written in it, the language looked like that of ancient Greek. I sighed, I didn't know anything about Greece or their language. Giving up, I dropped the book and picked up another, but with no luck, it was the same language.

      I gave up and took the path to where I came from. I got back just in time to see Diana opening the door before she said, "You have started causing trouble again, you good for nothing brat"
      "I didn't do anything" I said while walking past Diana.
     I walked back to my room thinking of a way to learn Greece, when the solution to my problems came in front of me.

      I heard some teachers talking about a new Greek teacher that had just been hired. I never thought I would ever care about any teacher but I was curious to know what was written in that book .
    I went to my room excitingly, only to find Kelly's annoying face, and a friend of hers. If you are wondering, I still hate her guts.
    "Ugh, do you have to be here right now?" I said while walking in.
      "I'll leave you two" Her friend said.
     "Pls don't leave, just because an annoying parasite came in, they are a lot of ways to get rid of parasites" Kelly said to her friend.

       "Wow, that's a good way to describe yourself." I said to her while walking towards my bed.
     Kelly did not say anything after that.

     I laid on my bed while thinking of the books and the weird library. Then I realised, if I wanted to keep going there, I would have to be getting into trouble, and that's my thing. I get in trouble all the time.
      After thinking for a while, I drifted off to sleep.

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