Chapter 9

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After Kora left her room, Diana decided to go to the library because she wanted to get something. She didn't need to go through 'the hole' because there was an entrance in her room.
She needed her keys to open the door, but when she reached for her neck, she didn't feel her keys.
She went to the mirror to check if they were there but they weren't.
She thought Mrs. Helen had taken it, so she phoned her.
"Have you seen my keys?" She asked.
"What keys" Mrs. Helen asked through the phone.
"The one to the library, of course, I can't find it anywhere" Diana said getting a bit worried.
"No I haven't" Mrs. Helen replied.
"Well it's gone, I'm sure it's one of those brats that took it" Diana said angrily.
"I would make an announcement right now and tell whoever took it to return it immediately" Mrs. Helen said before hanging up.

Then she picked up the microphone for the speaker attached everywhere in the school, and said, "Whoever took Mrs. Diana keys, should please return it immediately and the person would face serious consequences" Then she put off the microphone after that.

I panicked, if I returned it, I would be punished. Then I decided, when she was asleep I would sneak it on her, just like the way I stole it.
After all my classes, I went back to my room waiting for the sky to turn dark, but it a long time before it was night.
Eventually I got bored and slept off.
When I woke up, it was already late into the night. I looked over at Kelly to make sure she was asleep, before I left for Diana's room.

I opened the door gently, just like I did before and I was very surprised to see Diana wide awake.
"What are you doing in here" Diana asked while glaring at me with killing intent.
" was looking" That was a dumb lie but I had to come up with something really fast.

"And where were you looking for me" She asked. Obviously, you could tell she knew I was lying.
"Because found your keys on the floor, on my way to the dinning room" I said.
"I knew it, you stole my keys, But what would you want with my keys?" She asked, looking at me suspiciously.
"What makes you think I stole your keys, I said I found it on my way to the dinning room" I said nervously.
"Because I never went to the dinning room" She said while walking towards me.
I took a few steps backwards, but she walked towards me and grabbed my hand in a tight grip. She took me to a small house beside the boarding school. I thought she was going to slaughter me inside there, but I was surprised when she knocked on the door.
After a while, Mrs. Helen opened the door.
I didn't know she lived there, probably because I have never been to her house.
"What did you do this time, Miss Kora" Mrs. Helen asked.
"Can you believe this brat stole my keys" Diana said angrily.
"I'm not really surprised, I mean that's what you'd expect from someone like her" Mrs. Helen said.
"Someone like me?, what do you mean by someone like me?" I asked a bit confused.
I know I'm not supposed to take it to heart, but what she said felt more like an insult.
We stood outside and Diana and Mrs. Helen kept talking. And they let me off with a warning.
They let me go back to my room, while they talked. As I was going to my room, I passed by Diana's room and suddenly remembered the book.
I knew Diana wouldn't be coming any time soon, so I decided to take it.
I walked in and took it successfully. I hid it in my jacket and walked back to my room whistling.

When I got to my room, Kelly was awake as always and she asked, "Where were you?"

" went the bathroom" I said. If you've noticed, I'm not very good at lying.
"But the bathroom is right there" Kelly said while pointing towards the bathroom.
"So that's where it was, I've been trying to find it" I said while walking towards the bathroom.

I waited for a while, and eventually when I came out, Kelly was asleep.
I hid the book under my bed and went to sleep.

I hope you're enjoying the book so far. ♥️ wu_raol_a.

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