Chapter 1 - Rachels meets the team

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"DAD! I'M HOME," Rachel had just come back from school. "Rachel, it's 5:00, school ended at 3:30," Pepper said. "Oh-uhm-" "Rachel Joy Stark," it was Tony, "care to explain as to why you had detention?" Pepper looked at Rachel shocked, this wasn't like her to get detention. "Because the teacher was racist towards me, and when I defended myself, she gave me detention for talking back." Both Tony, and Pepper were shocked, "how long has it been going on," "since the start of the school year, but I just now started to stand up for myself." Tony looked at Pepper who had picked up the phone, and dialed the school. "I demand an explanation," she said, "my daughter told me that her teacher was being racist towards her." Rachel could hear her principle's MR. Dave's voice, "when did this start," he asked. "At the beginning of the school year," Pepper replied. MR. Dave shuffled some papers, "now remind me what grade she's in," "11th," some more shuffling then, "bring her in tomorrow, out of uniform, and we'll settle it then." "Thank you," Pepper said then hung up. "Well," "we're all going in tomorrow, you'll be out of uniform, and we'll settle it tomorrow." Rachel sighed both parents knew she was upset to brighten things up Tony said, "how does homeschool sound?" Rachel's face lit up, "wonderful," she replied. "By the way," Tony stated, Rachel immediately knew, "I'm sorry for saying it like that mom." Pepper nodded, and then Morgan came in crying. "Morgan what happened," Rachel asked, genuinely worried. "I fell, and hurt my arm - owie," Worried Tony asked, "did it pop," Morgan nodded, "really loudly," Pepper wasted no time, she put Morgan into the car, and drove to the ER. Back at home, Tony was speaking with Rachel about her moving to the compound. "I know you are going into you're last year of High-school," Rachel nodded, "Would you want to move into the compound, and stay with daddy?" Rachel nodded, "and what about Morgan," "She'll be here with mom, they'll come visit sometimes, and we'll come back home sometimes." Rachel nodded, then Tony's phone rang, he answered it, "hello-yes I'll come," he hung up. "Rachel, how would you like to meet you're future house mates?" Rachel smiled, "Sure dad, I'm worried about Morgan though," Tony put his arm around her. They walked to the car together, and Rachel got into the front seat, and buckled in, as Tony drove to the compound, Rachel's phone rang. She looked, and it was Pepper, "hi mom, how's Morgan - oh," Rachel's face fell, she hung up, and started to cry. Tony knew it was bad, once at the compound, he went around to Rachel's side, and opened the door. She got out, and walked inside with Tony. The team was waiting for Tony, and when they saw Rachel followed by Tony, they were confused.. Tony said, "This is my oldest daughter, Rachel." Rachel waved, and the team introduced themselves. Nat took Rachel to her room, and Tony followed with Rachel's bag. Rachel saw, "Dad," "might as well settle in now, You'll move in tomorrow," Rachel smiled. Nat helped her unpack, and they were talking, "do you like being a older sister," "yeah," "how is Morgan," "she broke her arm playing outside," Nat looked at Rachel. "Does that upset you," Rachel nodded, fighting back tears, Nat brought her into a hug. 5 minutes later they were unpacking again, when they were all unpacked, Nat took Rachel downstairs. Tony wasn't there, "DAD," Rachel called, "he went to the hospital to give Pepper some paperwork on Morgan," Rachel nodded, and started talking about her schooling. "So you're homeschooled now," "I will be, next year, this week is exam week at my school," "What grade are you in," "11th," "and what - " "Steve." Nat stopped him, Rachel giggled, "it's fine Nat, Steve what were you saying?" "What made you're parents decide on homeschool for next year," Rachel laughed before answering, "well you may have heard of racial discrimination from other students, but rarely anyone hears about it regarding teachers."

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