Arc 5 | Bloody Castle (9) |

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The ghost baby is obviously a very capable child. He has almost invincible territory, and relying on his young identity and seemingly harmless face, he successfully captured the two little girls Ruth and Leah. Under the leadership of a new playmate, the ghost baby quickly figured out the situation in the castle.

In fact, in the past two days, Tan Gui had gone to most parts of the castle. The inside was with Mo Chen, and the outside was learned during a walk today.

But there were two places that he couldn't easily go to, and that was Ruth and Leah's room. Precisely because he was the eldest lady's man, he couldn't just go in and out of the other two girls' rooms at will.

After the two little girls fell asleep from exhaustion, the ghost baby floated out of the room, walked around the weird corridor, and knocked on Miss Lilith's door again.

Of course, the door was opened by Tan Gui. The eldest lady in this room seemed to have become particularly frail, and her energy was not sufficient most of the time. She just checked the condition of the body painting and then lay lazily on the recliner. Go to bed.

I don't know how the castle's rooms are designed. There is sunlight in the guest's room, but there is almost no sunlight in the owner's room.

All sunlight was blocked by the stained glass windows. The bright, golden sunlight filtered through the huge rose window glass and was divided into colorful spots, making this already extraordinarily gorgeous room look bizarre.

The eldest lady wearing a gorgeous skirt looked particularly lazy and charming under this light. His clothes were half-undressed, revealing a chest that was more delicate and white than mutton-fat jade. A gorgeous rose bloomed on his collarbone. Because someone had just painted the petals with his lips, the color was even clearer than yesterday.

As for the two loose stockings underneath Mo Shen's skirt, they were pushed to the ground. The white calves were straight and slender, like tender tofu in the emerald white jade soup, so tender that water could be squeezed out.

Even though the ghost baby looked like a baby, Tan Gui still picked up a furry blanket and covered Mo Chen's chest. Every child will feel sick after seeing this kind of scene.

Tan Gui closed the door and first checked the attributes of his pet. Fortunately, after walking outside for so long, he had consumed some energy, and all other values ​​were normal.

No, some attributes have been improved. He found that the ghost baby had some gadgets on his body, which were shiny and looked like jewelry.

"Where did you get this thing? We can't just take other people's things and return them later." He never takes things that belong to the owner. After all, the ghost baby is his contracted pet. In a sense, it means In order to maintain his image, Tan Gui is not prepared to teach bad children, but will more or less restrain the ghost baby's behavior.

It is said that stealing needles when you are young will steal gold when you are old. Petty theft is not allowed. Look at these sparkling gemstone jewelry, and the big round and shiny pearl necklaces. You can steal gold at such a young age, but you will be able to pay it off when you grow up.

The ghost baby babbled angrily and shook its fat white arms, and the jewelry jingled together, making a crisp sound like gold and jade hitting each other.

A ruby ​​necklace the size of a pigeon egg, four bracelets on the arms and legs, a sapphire ring... There are gold, platinum and emerald, but there is no silver product among them.

"You mean these gifts were given to you by the two of them? You let them dress up in exchange for this reward?"

The ghost baby nodded, yes, that's what it meant. Tan Gui always said that he was an upright person and only took what he deserved. He followed suit and got these beautiful gadgets by selling his "beauty".

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