Arc 8 | Mahkota Hospital (4) |

191 8 0

Player Yu Nan is eliminated

Players give a chestnut and are eliminated

During the patrol, another player was eliminated. I don't know if it was because of taking the medicine from the hospital or because he died because of too fierce resistance. When Tan Gui heard the sound of the iron door opening on the sixth floor, 79 players had changed. It became 76.

The mortality rate is not too high, but if you think about it with your brain, you will know that there must be something wrong with those drugs. If you take the drugs on the first day and the drug effects accumulate, the player may lose himself and become a real person in the hospital. The patient will stay in this mental hospital forever.

You cannot take medicine, but you definitely need means to avoid it, and people who have never taken medicine will definitely behave very differently from those who have taken medicine. Of course, these are just Tan Gui's guesses at the moment, and everything will have to wait until he meets the people in the patrol team.

Tan Guiren was in the ward, but he arranged for the ghost baby to be hidden in the corridor. He was small and invisible, so he could blend in with the darkness and would not be easily noticed.

"They're coming up." Guiying used the system's pet voice transmission function to send a message to Tan Gui.

"The patrol entered the room of patient No. 100."

Although there are 2,000 patients, there are only 500 wards, and the 1,400 people in the open area can be easily handled. The patrol team of 100 people only spent 2 minutes on the second floor, because it is enough for each person to look after one room. 5 minutes on the third floor and 10 minutes on the fourth floor. Since pairs are combined for 5 minutes per room, a team only has to deal with patients in 2 rooms.

When we arrived at the closed area, the difficulty increased. There were 200 patients on the fifth floor, in groups of four, two doctors and two nurses. Each patient had to be given medicine by at least two people.

Although it was very difficult, these nurses and doctors, who were quite skilled in the movements, successfully achieved the results within 30 minutes.

On the 6th floor, the trolleys pushed by the nurses behind the doctors were in tatters. The stainless steel trolleys were all covered with bright red blood. The trolleys were stacked high with blue pills and tubes of sedatives. Potion.

In addition to medicines, there are scalpels, electric batons, chains, and electric saws under the trolley.

The doctors also had a lot of glory on their faces. Their white coats were in tatters, and those with limited mobility were replaced by new ones. The patients who had taken the medicine were not aggressive and would stay quietly in the ward. Needs too much care.

"Divide into ten groups and go to the 50 rooms in the back first."

Tan Gui heard the exchanges between these medical staff through Guiying, and he finally understood why the patients had more space as they went up. In an area full of beds on the first floor, the medical staff do not move when they enter the room, and there are only a few people standing in the corridor.

There is no single room on the 6th floor, and there are ten people in the patrol team as soon as they enter.

Across so many wards, Tan Hui still heard a beast-like roar. The walls and floors seemed to be shaking. The treatment process was incredibly intense.

The ghost baby can also eat the same food as humans, but those foods cannot fill his stomach, but only stimulate his taste buds. Negative emotions are the ghost baby's real food.

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