Arc 5 | Bloody Castle (15) |

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The two greeters welcomed the guests word by word. They were able to control their emotions well, keep the arc of their smiles as much as possible, and invite the guests to enter without looking away. As a nodding and smiling machine, they resolutely did not reveal their affection for the guests. curiosity.

The last receptionist who couldn't control his emotions and facial expressions was because he looked at a guest too much. Unfortunately, he was regarded as a provocation. The guest took it as a mockery of his appearance and was kicked out. He died on the spot. .

The maids in this castle are not ghosts. If their bodies are seriously injured or their heads are missing, they will die immediately. The guest's rude behavior alarmed the castle steward, but since the guest apologized and made amends, saying that he would not do it again in the future, the matter was dropped.

What's the use of apologizing? After apologizing and making amends, the dead person will not come back to life. The player who came in behind showed a lot of hard work. His toes were firmly on the ground in his shoes the whole time, and his scalp Feeling numb, I received the remaining twenty guests with great nervousness.

Fortunately, this time the housekeeper was watching, and she didn't encounter any particularly difficult guests. She and another receptionist successfully completed the reception work. When the last guest entered, the housekeeper signaled that they could leave, and the tall doorman took care of them. The castle door is closed.

The entire castle is made of stone carvings, as is the gate. The complete boulder is thick and dull. Even players who have strengthened their bodies may not be able to push it with all their strength without the help of props. door

There are NPCs in the castle who are responsible for this business, and they can easily close the door tightly.

There was a muffled "dong" sound, and the sound of the door closing was like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of other players hard. The moment the door closed, the players in the guest room grabbed the offensive props in their hands, put on equipment from top to bottom, inside and out, and were as armed as possible to the teeth.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Tan Gui released the ghost baby who had shown his face in the castle the next day. For today's banquet, he specially changed into a new suit. It was not as exaggerated as other players, but basically the same. All of them are good equipment with attributes, and the defense value can be said to be at full level.

He hasn't moved in the past few days, but the ghost baby he let out has already touched the inside and outside of the castle for his master. After all, as a ghost-like existence, the ghost baby can ignore the room door and pass directly through the wall. The clothing and props on the body can be invisible together, so there is no need to worry about being discovered by other NPCs or players.

Tan Gui bought a sunglasses prop for the ghost baby, which cost him a total of 10,000 gold. The function of this equipment is to synchronize the pet's field of vision. The ghost baby does not need to bother to describe it. When it explores, Tan Gui can use the synchronization The field of view depicts the global map.

To be precise, except for a few NPCs in the castle, no one in this dungeon knows the castle better than Tan Gui. The ghost baby has even found many hidden passages and dark rooms. Currently, there is only one room in the entire castle that Guiying has not visited, and that is the count's collection room on the third floor, because Guiying sensed the danger when he was still at the door.

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