The Beginning

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Please describe yourself in 10 words or less:

I stare blankly at the job application in front of me. Who am I? I don't even know. I just write down that I am a fun, enthusiastic, music lover. It's not like I have a chance anyway. I leave the white wall office space, smiling at the overweight secretary as I pass by.

As I walk to my small apartment I truly think about who I am. I am April Smith, that is true, but what makes me, me? My brain starts to hurt when I walk into the tiny space I have learned to call home. The paint is peeling and the whole place needs a remodel to keep it from looking like the 70s with orange decor.

"Meoww!" my cat, Princess Pumpkin, greets me at the door with a lengthy meow of hunger. I pick the fat cat up with a kiss on her tan and white head, much to her dismay. She has to be fed, I have to make dinner, I have to pay the bills, I have to try and relax or I might have a heart attack at the age 19. Hopelessly I sigh and sit down, letting her jump on my well worn carpet. Job searching can really drain the life out of you.

I put some water on the stove to boil my ramen dinner. One look at the pile of dirty dishes sends me into my just as dirty living room. Princess Pumpkin finds my lap to sit on as I turn on the box TV.

"KCOT news reporting. Tonight's headlines: crazy fan girls are flooding the Baccarat hotel here in New York. The boyband One Direction are..."

I turn off the TV trying to keep out my feelings. I've wanted to see them for so many years. Their music just speaks to me, makes me feel like I'm wanted.

I get my ramen and put on FOUR, it's as close as I'll ever get.

The phone suddenly rings, forcing me away from my food as I stand to go pick it up.

"Hey hey!" chirps my best friend Vivien. She lives in New York too, but we've been friends since seventh grade. She manages a huge bank and lives thirty minutes away from me in the best part of Brooklyn.

"Hey Viv." I disappointedly sigh.

"April what's wrong? And don't try to lie, I know when something's up."

"No, no, it's really nothing." Which was true; nothing is the problem in my life. If I was actually doing something I wouldn't be jobless and barely surviving.

"Well I have something to cheer you up even if you won't tell me why you're depressed."

"Oh, what is it?" I say, genuinely intrigued. Maybe she can bring me some real food.

"Three words, my friend. One. Direction. Tickets."


I nearly fainted when I heard those words. I put the phone back on the hook after fangirling for an hour. Poor Vivien; she doesn't even like 1D.

I go to bed, but can't sleep. I lay awake, excited for the first time in what seems like years. I watch the clock, making sure that I still exist, that this isn't some cruel dream. With each passing second I hope fate doesn't decide to do something to stop me from going. This is the only concert that ever seemed to really matter.

At 8 AM I sit up in bed, excitement running through my very soul. I rush to the closet; what to wear? My thrift store clothes just don't seem special enough for this occasion. Oh well, I'll decide on clothes later.

I then get back in bed and think. What if they're not as good as my expectations? What if they're better? How close are the seats? Should I make a sign? Somehow... maybe... what if I meet them?

These thoughts plague me until I hear a knock on my door.

"Surprise!" Vivien exclaims as she gives me a huge hug. "I thought I'd come early and give you this." Then out of a huge bag she pulls out the prettiest dress I have ever seen.

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