[EDITED] Reunion and change of plans

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Important: Okay.. yk what? Change of plans. I'm doing all the movie, heck why not even the holiday specials? I want this book to be LONG. Why not include every characters too? And no I'm not doing the series lmao.

-Thank Cloud Guy for this

[Edit: Sorry if this isn't a good edit, I didn't put it in the grammar corrector.]

Introduction part 2


A loud noise disrupts out, causing the sleeping trolls to wake up startled.

"What?!" Poppy screamed while accidentally shoving Branch away from her.

"What was that?" Floyd asked nervously, fearing for his and his family's lives.

A few metres away, the older sister was in a frantic state, swatting away the smoke coming out of the clearly broken machine. "$&!@  $&!@ $&!@ that wasn't supposed to happen!!" She whispered-shouted before going quiet for a moment, hoping that no one would catch her in the act.

The trolls stayed still in their sleeping bags, still fearful of their surroundings. Branch tried to listen in but couldn't hear anything.

"It's probably an animal ramming into a tree or something. Animals around here are pretty crazyyy." John Dory calmly explained, but his expression was slowly digging a hole that he could not hide.

Others stared at him weirdly, not really believing his statement, especially the ever-so-prudent Branch.

"Guys, it's fine. They're pretty harmless." He tried again.

"Harmless? They're ramming into trees! They might do it to us too!" Branch exclaimed, pointing his hands at the trees in front of them.

"Branch my bro, it's fine. I've travelled around everywhere. Animals here are pretty behaved compared to the others I've seen." John Dory adjusted the pillow behind him before lying back down again. He turned his body away from everyone, trying to hide his frown.

Branch doubted him for a moment before finally nodding his head in along, not wanting to argue with his oldest brother anymore.

"Fine.. I hope that you're right."

"Are we actually sure though... maybe one of us should stay up-" Viva Looked around her surroundings nervously.

"Viva, it's fine! It's probably like what John Dory said, we'll be fine." Poppy reached her hand out to her sister, trying to console her, which made Viva melt under her sister's touch.

"Glad to hear that somebody agrees! Branch, you better marry that girl soon-." John Dory smirked while Branch fumed.

Clay yawned loudly interrupting everyone "Guys, let's just go to sleep. I'm soooo tired." He yawned again.

"Fine.." Everyone agreed.

Meanwhile, the older sister was freaking out... mentally. Trying not to make too much noise.

"Oh. My. Lord. This stupid- just so STUPID machine!" She kicked the weird machine in front of her then winced when she heard it falling apart.

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