Bergen town

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I'm backkkkk 🫡 and look at this Velvet art I did

I'm backkkkk 🫡  and look at this Velvet art I did

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She literally carried the whole movie.

Okay go read now!

"Also again bro, your bunker is awesome, Branch!" Clay praised him again "You definitely have to let me in sometimes. I need to see EVERYTHING."

"As long as you don't break anything...."

A few pop trolls fidget with their hands or hair nervously.

"... yes I know that a few trolls broke some stuff of mine last time. Lucky for you, they're things that were replaceable."

Sighs of relief were heard.

Poppy narrating: With her friends safely hidden... Princess Poppy set off to rescue her other friends... confident she'd make it to Bergen Town on her own. Convinced she'd make it to BergenTown.

Poppy: Um... Totally sure she'd make it to BergenTown. Mmm...

"I mean with them all still here, I'm guessing everything went fine."

"Yeah but the question is 'how did it go?'"


"Oh big footprints... that's scary... like sorry right but if I see that in real life, I'll have a heart attack and die." Khem shivers.

"Would say the same but we're practically used to it now."

"I can feel a song coming up."

*music starts*

"Yep, I'm right."

*"Get back up again" played*

"WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?" Barb yelled out in shock.

Branch facepalmed, he knows she got into trouble but he didn't know that's what happened.

Viva and Peppy stared at the screen speechless before slowly turning to face the youngest.

"Poppy-" Peppy struggled to find words while Poppy giggled nervously.

"Poppy.. please. You HAVE to be CAREFUL! You have to! I'm really worried about you okay? Wha-what even.. Poppy.." Viva rubbed her forehead in frustration, using her forearm to block others from seeing tears that started forming. Clay reached his hand out to pat her back.

"Viva... I'm sorry. I'll be careful from now.. I promise.

"Right.. you better keep that promise. I swear, Poppy. If something worse happens to you, I don't know what I'll do... right daddy?"

Peppy nodded, completely agreeing with his eldest. "Viva is right. Branch won't always be there to help you."

Branch also nodded while reaching for her hand.

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